Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Contemporary Sparring Matches

The Folded Napkin (The early a.m. A thin coat of  ice had formed on the Lake after temps. dropped at night. This resulted in ice designs. )

Have you met Madi? Yesterday, she entered the house, not her's, or the one  where we catch a moment of repose and reflection among family or friends, beyond the sparring matches of our own lives. The rest on soft cushions intricate in their floral patterns and tonal compliments kind of places. No, Madi was going to  Parliament,  that other  house, with the flexible yet sturdy frame,   democratic seats that are  worn in places, padded in pink , brown, blue, green with a dash of purple, and strategically, lovingly  maintained for the comfort of  many.

She stepped up to the immense and polished door and knocked  to see if  anyone, the politicians, were at home. As she was admitted to this place of good governance, a giant in children's size shoes,  the conversation accompanied  her right over the threshold of debate, policy setting/ making and onto the big screen HD Tv of Kathleen Wynne and the Ontario Liberal  Minister of Health. The negotiations with Vertex for affordable pricing  of the drug Kalydeco, price tag $348, 000 a year for treatment, were taking time and she was simply asking could you hurry it up already. -Benefits to Madi's quality of life, priceless.

This 12 year old girl had a lot of pluck,  a polite manner, simple effective presentation skills, a nice outfit,   and a calm that would render some adults to shame. Her fortitude and poise was  a valuable lesson when  juxtaposed with  some of the behavior and antics seen in the Houses, ours, and others across the globe. I once witnessed  shoes being thrown across the room in a televised parliamentary debate in India. We are no better, here and we all have  stories and examples. The real story, Madi, is one you will want to know.
You can find more details and  well rounded coverage for  this issue of a  rare disease, the family's  fight, cost and balancing,  the network , the challenges on many levels  on CBC, Evening news or here Rare Diseases . 

WELCOME back. Ok ,you did your homework.  Interesting wasn't it and important? OMG,  I am such a teacher. :) Let's take the discussion to the next level and centre around the idea of distribution. The pharmaceutical company, as you read, is developing and offering funding for the drugs necessary for Madi to live with  energy, strength and a measure of normalcy, that is close to perfect, given her fight. She is sparring with cystic fibrosis and winning, through the availability of this drug, but there is always the next round in the fight. Time is not on her side. As you read, the community, Dad's work insurance and the family are also in the ring, sparring with the cost of treatment. They do have help.  I think it would be easy to agree that all the Madis, Joshs, Samuels....______ (fill in the blanks, kind of thinking) deserve our best treatments and this is  irrevocably tied to a price tag, cash flow. Everything behind the production of Kalydeco, from distribution, research and yes profit margins, in a tight free market economy,  requires expense. Our value system  is, indisputably, worth a lot more than $348, 000 a year. Priceless jumps into my mind, yet again, as a simple pointed descriptive term.

As a society, a people we should demand quality of life for our children and tie this to pragmatic , creative solutions for funding. If we are to maintain a healthy, rich value system in conjunction with monetary considerations, we cannot say, "pay up or lose out"  to this family,  to Madi, to children. The systems, financial and ethical, are indisputably linked ,two kernels of our identity, within our times, our heritage and our society.

The ring for the sparring match needs to open up into spring meadows fenced in by those sustainable forests, on one side, and pot hole repaired roads, on the other.  In this resplendent field of battle exists Black- Eyed Susans, Daisies, some Purple Strife, kingly Rods of Gold,  grass varieties, the pollinators-the counter to terminators-:) rabbit and mouse holes, that will turn your ankle but are also homes in a meadow ecology.  Why do we meander here as allergy season approaches? Because nature teaches us, and writers love metaphors, analogies and hope readers do too for their   en light enment, in a busy day.

In a share economy  meadow  of   multifaceted and collective conscience, Madi need not go without. There is a great deal of wealth in the world. We need a fair and democratic idea for distribution in a free economy. Let's look at some of the new keys. 1. Crowd sourcing. 2. Sponsorship programs on many levels around the globe tied to cancer research, education for girls, and many of the big issues of our times.  3. Information: An in depth study into the start to finish process of making these life saving, life improving drugs. -The inside scoop is  ice cream, tiger tail. 4. Innovative, creative and practical business models from our leaders across cultures and all industry. We should not underestimate the brain power,  creative intelligence of business when  harnessed to good cooperate citizenship and sound, sensible investment.  Research can go beyond the medical labs.  We have begun to see this in the transition away from the cubicle philosophy to be replaced by larger centres and quiet work spaces for choice and movement depending on the job and to facilitate higher productivity or  smarter use of spaces for humans.

Madi has already entered the parliament buildings with confidence and calm and  addressed a slew of reporters. The media treated her with a respect that allowed her voice to be amplified, her feelings to be broadcast without the push and shove of the usual media scrum. I was in awe, refreshed  and thankful for this sign of respect, this measure of control, on their part.  As I sat sagging on my own cushy couch, I had the Notepad, with the metal spirals, at hand. The incessant  clicking of my pen made the music,  as I   feverishly  depressed the silver endpoint, down up, down up. The story was being told and we only needed to listen. She expressed a wish to feel well, to go on fighting, sparring with cystic fibrosis but with a meadow at her back not in the ring with boxing gloves, the clang of the bell, the fists and surging adrenalin. Her access to medicine would soon end as the cost could not be supported indefinitely. The essence of her message was poignantly felt, from my seat in my small home. This brave girl of 12 was speaking for  her right to quality of life, hers and others, in The House. What a simply beautiful, extra special, sampler of democracy.  The solution can't be far.

In fact just across the way, in another style  of sparring match, this one definitely in the ring,  there emerges a winner. Your arm is held high  and the announcement echoes out across the cyber space pulsing with excitement.  WE win, if I may be so bold as to use this plural first person pronoun. The restoration of a value system we hold dear.  One that says that equality is for all people, is championed here. The system was first  torn and then repaired through the aid of institutions: sports, courts, owners and more. I am referring to the ousting and fining of the owner of the L.A. Clippers basketball team over allegations of his less than sterling, tarnishing, in fact, racist comments.

 I like to believe that there  is always an opportunity to restore the balance of things even further. Yes, I am probably a rugged optimist, at times. Soooo I have a few questions. Where does the money go? 21/2 million?  This is a drop in the basket, after a tip off the rim, for Mr. Sterling. While I have your attention, I would like to introduce the procurers of said amount  to a girl named, Madi Vanstone. Maybe, you would like to invite her to a basketball game? I am sure she loves sports? From what I have heard, just between you and me, the Clippers, The Raptors, the media,  the new franchise owners, the fans and whoever else is following this issue, she is quite a fighter, too. You would like her, as you have this connection in common, although your fights are uniquely yours.  A portion, small, could go as a sponsorship, the rest of the funds could go to other sponsorships related to your sport and also the fight against racism, in all its forms. I know this is just a solution that allows for more time for finding better solutions but more may come.

From meadows to rings the sparring matches are fought and won. The hope! Our upright value system, credited to us as the  only   bipedal +highly cognitive,+ feeling  species, could be the champion in this complex system of distribution and democracy.  Oh, there goes the bell, round 3 and Peace steps into the ring.  Yikes, quick change, let's go for coffee, this time round. I step out of the ring, for now, amidst shouts for blood, the curses and the rising  receptacle to be filled by the raw and torrid  promise of  mortal combat . There are all kinds of fights.  

The Dove

by Donna Thompson  Writation
Copyright 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

John Masters " Venus of Konpara" is a lovely Statement of Sexuality and Life in British India

John Masters was an Anglo Indian writer who brought the Raj alive in many of his books. A master story teller he would pick diverse themes and illustrate them by his stories. Venus of Konpara was his last book on India and the Raj and was published in 1960. In this book John recounts a masterful tale and brings out the clash between the old and the new. He also differentiates between Dravidian culture and the Aryans in his own inimitable way. But at the same time he advocates synthesis of cultures, both Dravidian and Aryan.
The story which is set at the turn of the nineteenth century when the Raj was in full sway is also a love story. The book does breathe sexuality and concerns the love of a Dravidian girl dancer with the Aryan prince of an imaginary kingdom. The Prince who comes after education from England wishes to build a dam and a cricket field in an underdeveloped part of his kingdom. When the work commences a beautiful statute of a woman dancer is discovered. The beauty of the statute gives it the name of Venus of Konpara. John Masters builds plots and sub-plots with the British resident, the uncle of the Prince and the tribal's of Gond. It is a thrilling tale and the Dravidian girl engrosses the prince as never before. Ultimately she marries him and that is Johns answer to a distinction between the Dravidian and Aryan races.
The book has its passages of sensuality as John describes the nude Indian Classical dance done by the girl dancer before the prince. But all in all it is an engrossing tale. John wrote many other books but 'Venus of Konpara' illustrates his love for India. John Master in this novel brings out the Aryan and Dravidian motifs. He also refers to tigers, forest fires, and poison arrows. The poison arrow kills the British resident in the book. The novel is set in South Central India of that time, where the Gond tribal's held sway. Perhaps John had visualized the setting in the modern state of Chhattisgarh. John Masters as a story teller is par excellence. His prose is simple and the style racy. In contrast to his other popular book Bhowani junction, Venus of Konpara is an equally significant work. We must salute this Anglo Indian writer who made India and the Raj come alive in his booksglo Indian writer who brought the Raj alive in many of his books. A master story teller he would pick diverse themes and illustrate them by his stories. Venus of Konpara was his last book on India and the Raj and was published in 1960.

Tourette Syndrome- The Intruder

Tourette Syndrome is a silent intruder disrupting a persons life until death. Imagine what happens
 when your brain doesn’t work quite right and it is not regulating your body's movements, when we lose
 control of our speech and involuntary sounds such as barking, screaming, grunts, and even words spew out. 
Tourette Syndrome is the disorder- it is not a disease but a chemical imbalance in the brain. It is misdiagnosed and many people go 
untreated through out their life usually deemed “weird, strange, or odd”.
Tourette ‘s is the second most common genetic disorder producing involuntary tics and
 behavioral problems. Depression, sleep disorders, common compulsive behaviors,
 and ADD -H- (attention deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity )are all under the “umbrella” as part of Tourette’s
There is no actual “test” to perform ,a neurologist familiar with Tourette ‘s will recognize some of the
 symptoms. To recognize the disorder sometimes sudden changes in behavior, increased tics can occur with anxiety, emotional stress, tension and even excitement.
There are drugs that will help with treatment of a Tourette’s keep in mind this syndrome is 
complex with a multitude of symptoms. So one kind of treatment may not work for another.
Usually Tourette’s shows it head in the early stages of a child's life around 5-6 years of age, nevertheless it has been diagnosed in the mid twenties such as the baseball player Jim Eisenreich.
For further info please check out this site


Friday, April 11, 2014

Beware of Paul Ryan's Budget

Hours ago House Republicans pushed through a horrible and with hope ill-fated budget proposal called “ The Path to Prosperity” by Paul Ryan for 2015. 
Ryan, is chairman of the House Budget Committee since 2011 and is a representative of Wisconsin's
 1st congressional district since 1999.
This budget will effect the lower and middle classes by replacing medicare, repealing the Affordable Health Care Act , and cutting medicaid, hurting millions of Americans- and raising taxes on the middle class. Millionaires will not be affected because of an $87,000 tax break!
This proposal will cut $5 trillion dollars and it will be coming from much needed programs such as:
Health care
Food Stamps
Community programs
Theses cuts are aimed at the people who need these programs the most. Social Security and the military will not be touched.
 Ryan's long range idea is to change and move retirees from Medicare and again try a subsidy based health care insurance plan .

Thursday, April 10, 2014


 Alterations: Metarealism Explored in this digital image.

Entering the new place, a town in this case,  is like trying on the latest outfit that boasts an original style and a careful, creative combination of designs. The "garment" is hand stitched with a colorful repertoire of silken threads along the cuff and or over the heart for a decorative and poignant sense of town spirit. The quiet seams are tight in spots, loose, just there under the arms. Well spaced and close together in places and as needed. A town fashioned for people. Made to measure for a human fit. -The hope-  I spin and turn listening for the rustle and richness of the fabric of the town, feel for the textures that whisper against skin, instead of scratching or pricking. I notice the hang of the cloth on my frame, the one I give it, as I gain perspectives. This small person suited in her new attire checks the reflections, that selfie moment, and heads out into the people, places, ideas and things for penning. I call this activity writation (N)  Not to be confused with a certain mayor who has thought it just to attach his surname to  a broad and hearty word such as  nation. The result is a collapse, unbalanced semantic in the form of a compound, overly light + weighty word, usage.

This same fabric, seams and stitching we wear may be a quilt , a skirt , blouse, dress, consignment of leopard pants or jean shorts in the cultural architecture of a town. Styled and fitted by human frames.  This may consist of locals, out of province visitors, internationals... and out of towners like me. Who needs a label, when the outfit, the place,  is priceless, beyond brand names.

The identity is there to read like a complex novel , a Giller Prize winner or maybe a Sunshine Sketch for a few LOLs.  Will  I have the right balance of rock star and nerd to recognize the serendipitous  glitches from the negative one. Pparachute over the cliffs and or sidestep a crack or two. How about flipping an opposable thumb as opposed to the finger to the sky on those icy patches of direction and misdirection. :) Trans: Will  I remain open, true to myself and humble in all that I attempt. Try I must. Yes we are sliding into romanticism touched with idealism...Excuse me while I zip up my dress, button up my matching jacket. :)

We begin to scour the pamphlets, talk to a few locals, skim through the  internet and the hotel yellow pages,  for the best route for our quest. It is late afternoon and we had had no time to prepare outside of  a few bookings. I plunge into -Orenda- for awhile  in the hopes of some new thought for the plan of approach  because I am, now,  utterly bored with the inadequacy of our current paper and wifi search criteria.

Detour in the Road Follow D*
D* Refresh: Thanks Joseph for your perspectives. Loving your work but the level of violence is hard, graphic but neither maudlin or trite in your hands, under your  creative watch. I think you mean to lend authenticity to the historical portrayal and possibly jar us into a sense of the whole toxic malaise that encompasses nations clashing. With violence on the rise, outside literary fiction, and growing anger in hotspots around the globe is desensitization creeping up or growing awareness and action coming to the fore.  I can't wait for the studies that might give us a clue.  The cutting embrace of sick lit. stunningly violent and digitally mastered HD visuals and videos aided by technology are now are playground. What are the long term effects of candid violence, and sex on those that have suffered and experience these as triggers. We also need to consider those that are fine with the whole thing and hope they will empathize enough to understand experiences beyond their own.   Are we only  about making it real? -no exceptions or intuitive wrappings?  No,  I think we are more when we enter these places and seek to show, learn grow. Hey, Joseph, thanks for this monologue as I am completely sure that you are talking with CBC hosts,  engaging in book chats with more learned and illustrious writers than I and or you are writing your next work. Maybe you are merging with the orenda through the essence of rebirth offered by spring. Happy Earth Day on April 22. :)  I am really enjoying your book and I have only just begun.  I also recommend "All the Broken Things, " by Kathryn Kutenbrouwer to readers and writers.  Should you, by slight chance, come across this blog while your mingling with the great literary minds of contemporary times,  can you get this book nominated for an award. Thanks. I am placing this message in  a blog bottle and sending it out into the sea of cyberspace. :) Hugs or Namaste,Mr. Boyce and readers of this blog.

D* As I closed the book, I realized that one of the best places to start the getting to know U road trip was the cultural centre and library that was across the street from the place we had dined last evening. Of course, I should have gone with that thought when it first entered the grey matter. Silly, really, counterproductive of me,  to always try to improve upon the first when sometimes that first is  right.- Hard to know sometimes- ;)
 Have a look through the front window screen, now that we are back on the main road.
Dropped in after a workout to pick up books for her kids and look for one for herself. .Beautiful!

The Hat of the Day

Cat Chip (Those Micro Condiments That Add Flavor)

She is part of a book club and this is her stash for those perfect moments, those rest stops in life. The one on top is for her child.  Beautiful.

Location: Georgetown, Ontario , Canada
THE LIBRARY and part of the cultural hub on a Sat. morning in early spring. No alterations needed. :)Next to the Library behind a door Beautiful made us feel welcome yet again . :)  I open it up for you to enjoy on Photonyms back at The Glitch    Head  over there after you visit a few other blog spaces in  The Preferred Writers, share group once you get to the end of this one. Scroll...

The Doors:  Can U Hear the Music

Add On Tidbits %%%
 In a dimly lit corner next to the washroom in  a large book store, in another middle size town, I found a table of books,  The "Caption" over the table read "Read, Think, Learn".  Good thing I had to attend to a basic body function or I would never have found them. Hmmm They speak of a few alterations that are incredibly interesting in my humble opinion, but the violence is there, in some, and these books do turn some of our ideas on their heads. I would add "Question" (the Hows and Whys) as an alteration or addition to the main "Caption" and for your own thoughts and interactions here.  I saw a glass bookcase full of  fine titles , across from the girl's washroom in a Whitby high school. I wonder  if this placement  proximity to washrooms approach works at all.  I think the front of the store is still the prime space maybe this will change. Hmmmm.

Emphatic Title

For those women who would  like this choice of career and motherhood. I would love to peak in at how it can be done, well.  I think this book may have some insights for contemporary working moms.

Between spiked  heels and rugged good looks, this book opens the cover beyond blurred focus. :) I only read the inside and back covers but looks very interesting.  A candid and smart analysis of contemporary culture and the digital age. It caught my interest.

Reroute, Repeat: See Also Digital Image  entitled Cat Chip (Micro) Fits here and in the above space  The book in the photo is written by me, Donna Thompson.  

My Loft E Bookcase: -Dovetail joints on pine boxes - They were given to  my family and I by my brother. Handy alterations to compliment  my digital virtual  shelves.  While we are on the topic of  everything books and culture,  smart beautiful furniture designs accommodate our unique spaces.   


Deadly Ebola Outbreak

The Ebola outbreak has claimed over 100 lives and maybe more in the counties of Guinea and Liberia in the Western Countries of Africa.
Ebola is a deadly virus that causes hemorrhagic (bleeding) fever and has been thought to be present in animals, the first Ebola virus was discovered in humans during an outbreak in Zaire in 1976. 
Ebola is usually spread via the blood or secretions of an infected person. 
The symptoms of a person being infected are hemorrhagic fevers, are flulike with headache, nausea,
 fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea and internal bleeding. the symptoms may be mild and taper off after a 
few days or may become increasingly severe.
Not all cases progress to the hemorrhaging stage and  the death rate varies with the disease. Treatments are maintaining body fluids, and blood pressure.
The death rate of Ebola can be as high as 90%.

ID mac217

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Remedies for Sinus Infections

The nasal sinuses are connected to the nasal cavity, and a common cold can spread into the
 nasal sinuses causing inflamed mucous membranes that can lead to an infection. 
 The nasal passageway that connects the sinuses to the nasal cavity is narrow and is easily obstructed 
  due to colds, allergies, or even polyps. 
The obstruction prevents drainage and traps air that can’t escape through the nostrils and causes mucous to build up.
 A nasal infection develops when a bacterial or viral infection  develops usually a cold that spreads into any of the sinuses causing inflammation and swelling and often in the frontal or maxillary sinuses
 The infection can be chronic or acute and most bacteria caused, usually lead to the need for antibiotics.
 Symptoms of acute sinusitis are pounding headaches, sneezing, pressure, heavy yellow mucous,
 and fever. Acute sinusitis usually clears up in a few days.
Chronic sinus problems are caused by smoking, nasal growths, or nasal injuries.
 Sinusitis can be connected to food allergies, so it is best to talk with your doctor.
  Natural remedies can be effective dealing with infections such as Horseradish poultice- helps draw out the infections by stimulating the blood flow and metabolism.
Expectorant medicinal plants can help as well if you frequently get colds and sinus infections ,
you should try and incorporate fresh garlic, horseradish, or cayenne pepper into your diet.
These antibacterial plants help loosen nasal fluids and tame the swelling of the sinus membranes.
 Horseradish is probably the most effective, and you can grate and sprinkle over your food or purchase it at a health food store in tincture form.
Inducing sweating can help stimulate the immune system, by killing bacteria and helps promote the
 expelling of toxins.
 Using a netti pot you can add a spoonful of chamomile, goldenseal, thyme,or diluted saltwater.
Inhaling steam with essential oils such as: eucalyptus, or tea tree oil are very effective.
 The steam is antibacterial and thins the mucous and helps loosen nasal secretions while the oils stop the inflammation and swelling. 
Dry air will irritate inflamed sinuses so it is best if you use a humidifier to moisten the nasal passages or use pots of boiling water to add moisture to the area.
Be careful when you have a cold, use paper tissues and throw them away after using them.
Drink plenty of water to keep the nasal mucous fluid, and avoid coffee, and soda as they are dehydrating.
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables daily so that you receive necessary vitamins and minerals.
Limit dairy products because they are known to create thick mucous in the throat, nose, and sinuses and are ideal grounds for bacteria.
ID mac217

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Halle Berry, Controversy, Swordfish and Nudity

Halle Berry deserves her place in the sun, for the simple reason that she is a woman with Negroid blood. I say this only because for a hundred years of Hollywood, the Negro actress never got her due. All the roles that were given to her were of a maid or a nanny on a plantation in the deep south. Good roles never came the way of negro actresses. Halle did well and from Bond girl to other roles like Cat woman, she was good. But I have another take on her. In the film Swordfish she gave a nude shot of her breasts.I think if the rumor mills are to be believed she got half a million dollars for that expose. I have seen the movie and the shots, but the fact that she is a celebrity is the only thing going in her favor. The shot of the breasts is nothing extraordinary. Yet her celebrity status ensured that people went crazy to see them. That is stardom. Halle won an Academy Award an did liked her acceptance speech where she dedicated the award to all the black actresses who never had a chance to win. The lot of the negro was bad in the South. Frankly later things changed and I don't think Negroes are badly off in the USA. I remember reading a John Wayne interview in which he had said that the negro had greater opportunities and really nothing to complain. tell me he had said where in the world can a Negro have a better opportunity than in America. How many will agree. Published on my blog on september , 2013

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


The Considerable Apple: Not to be Confused with the Big Apple 

 Part A

The lift of the back hatch and the spurt of Portuguese Water dogs, three, was the lid off a shaken pop can that had been left in the sun. The local man, who was the companion and trusted Alpha of the dogs, added a directional, that tall drinking glass, to catch the exhilaration and boundless energy that sprayed out liberally over the designated gravel parking space.  Sweet was the shaggy caramel coloured dog who championed the sniff  test methodology of orientation, and headed in our direction. He gifted us with  a delicious greeting like a silver tray etched with floras and filled with canapes. Adoring eyes of amber and pink tongue caresses that translated into "Love ya, you bipedal wonders," we took a long sip.   I bent down low to give him a rub on his head and over his ears.  The brief BF moment was like the heavy rain on a searing hot day.

 A woman dressed in  careful  coordinates    of colour and style sailed by us. Her pencil gray  mud boots were rimmed in hot pink and her eyes were shuttered in dark glasses.    With warmth and confidence she beckoned us forward with the mention  of a hearty healthy  luncheon menu and local fare. The noon hour nemesis of growling stomachs must have echoed across the lot as  morning trail mix, after a 10 km hike,and dried snap peas only goes so far. We fell into step with her as as she seemed to be a woman in the know, a woman of some pragmatism,  presentation and poise as she guided us through the mud, across the rural setting and into the unique experience of Spirit Tree cider house.  Her husband was a distinguished man and I had noticed him standing tall and still- chin up, eyes registering the sky. I would offer him a penny for his thoughts, but the penny is defunct now and I knew his thoughts were probably priceless and possibly private, his own.

Potential of the outdoor  patio and view from the Indoor restaurant

The Dining area and their Ice Cider  innovation that is selling widely.

 A fence-less lot, an orchard of dwarf trees with 37 kinds of apples, and fields edged in pearl whites and slate to mouse grays of an emerging spring was a great spot for locals and out of townees to take note of the considerable diversity inherent in the apple.  A fourth generation farm family had an idea, a smart solution, that went   well beyond the long tradition of Mac, Delicious, Crispin, Mutsus and more.  They saw that the apple had potential beyond crisps,  pies and that first bite, the resounding crunch and flavour infusion, as individual to the apple type as a thumbprint on humans. The harvest , with a little innovation, imagination and hard work could be more green in a  a tough economy. The centuries old building insulated with straw and heated by an immense brick oven could avoid  dilapidation, broken boards, age old decay by   reinventing  the apple, reinventing and refurbishing  the barn. This farm on the southern side of the escarpment protected from the winds and seated in clay over loam would continue to produce apples  over condominiums and housing units. They had found  the considerable apple was larger than what they had thought as they took the time and made the effort  to explore.  Looks like this: A restaurant with local food and chef schooled in France, a store with specialty breads, local jams, maple syrup a community hub where people come to relax, engage, taste, test and appreciate the hospitality and a little adventure for the pallet. <Breath> :)   Here there is  Draught or draft cider, Apple Lager, Pear Cider,  Crab Apple Cider and Ice Cider  to name a few.  The expansion into new territories,  the  pioneer spirit for generating and burgeoning an industry  is  huge, brave and historically captured. Recognized as essentially  human  in say, Thanksgiving celebrations in  North American.  There are many others events throughout the world that do the same.

The Beginning

  The contrast is the  modified espalier of techniques used out in the grove and the cryogenic concentration for ice cider.  In the orchard of 7 foot trees with an 18-24 inches spread of limbs and  4- 5 feet apart,  the farming methodology and processing  keeps things trimmed, controlled for high yields, easy pick'ns and annual yields. The thaw and freeze repeat was learned from Quebec cider makers for working with chestnut crab apples to produce  ice cider. These are the small piece of  know how, shared learning, the work, the vision needed to make money grow on trees in the larger groves of agriculture based economics. Their current success is a landmark for many and a boon for their customers who now come from all over Ontario.


Functioning as a furnace and oven for smart solutions.

They are working to build a market and organizational network for cider that replicates  the ages older fermented grape or VQA of the wine industry and sidles up   to,   adds dimension to the beer industry. This infant in the family of  the  alcoholic (5-6% )beverage, stands with  the older siblings and has energy and insight as they work with the local brewery to bottle the Draught ciders and look to the model of the VQA for ideas for establishing associations  to promote and render quality products. They currently have 13 members. They advocate for free market sales over LCBO. Yes, easy access for consumers but can they then put a portion of profits back into rehabilitation programs for alcoholism,  support initiatives against drunk driving and keep teens +drink + cars out of the picture. The tour guide, salesrep with his  multitude of other hats,  took this question in stride but no real answer came forward. I could see that he was thinking it though, defensively and it may come up later as an action in  his journey. When the moment is right he might  recall briefly that one small question, going forward, and he will act. I trust.
Original insulation in the building. Straw.

Taste Sensations

 Between the locals, The Spirit Tree,  the dogs,  rural expanses and the smell of earth and baking bread,  we knew we had found the antique oak barrel stand with the beautiful floral topper kind of  experience. We had crossed the wood planked porch and slipped inside the most marvelous adventure and engaged in the learning experience that could be shared.  We saw how enterprising people find more from less with a little ingenuity, a lot of collaboration and good boots for when you walk through the mud.  

The dedicated friendly staff.

Youngest and oldest together at the family farm.  

Some people enjoying the hospitality of the place.
Training and employment opportunities are keys to success in the expansion. 

This is a work of nonfiction.  Part B will come in time. I will take you into the basement, the back barns to show you the process.Bring your boots. :)  I hope you enjoyed this piece.  Decide to take a journey by plane, train or auto with a way point in Terra Cotta ,  Ontario, Canada - Spirit Tree-,  to enjoy this slice of life.

By Donna Thompson The Glitch Factory ,  under the Manufacturing tab soon to evolve into "Writation (N) The person, place, ideas and things captured in writing and digital images. " 

All rights reserved copyright 2014 Donna Thompson.

An Engma: How did the Czar Nicholas II and Family Die and did any Survive

Mystery of the Murder of the Romonofs and role of Lenin One of the mysteries that have fascinated me is the killing of the Russian Tsar and his family at the hand of the Bolsheviks. I am intrigued that whether Lenin himself had ordered the execution or not. Did he have a hand and did the Bolshevik firing squad act on the orders of Lenin? We do know that Tsar Nicholas was an incompetent man and his decision to launch an ill equipped army into battle against Germany spelt his doom. He was overthrown in a coup engineered by Lenin and exiled to Siberia. On 17 July 1918, a Bolshevik firing squad opened fire on the family on the pretext of taking a group photograph and murdered the family. I feel for the Romanoff family and wonder how such a barbaric crime could have been committed.
In 1988 the bodies of the of Nicholas Romanov II, his wife Czarina Alexandra, and their three daughters, Olga, Tatiana, and Anastasia were discovered but kept a secret for 10 years as the powers that be wished to bring the details to the fore once communism collapsed. Finally on 17 July 1988 the remains of the last Czar and his family were laid to rest at St Petersburg. Boris Yeltsin the then Russian president himself attended the ceremony. It stirred an emotional chord among Russians. However the remains of 2 of the missing children the crown prince Alexi, and his sister, Grand Duchess Maria were not located and speculation was rife that these 2 had escaped the death squad of the Communist’s. However in 2007 a builder searching for trinkets in the area where the Czar had been murdered came across 2 highly decomposed bodies. The Russians carried out a DNA test and it was proved that these 2 were indeed the missing children. But the romantic notion that the 2 children escaped still holds the imagination of the people all over the world. Lastly was Lenin involved? There is no evidence that at any stage Lenin ordered the murder of the Czar and his family. It is possible that this may have been ordered by some second rung leader. Could it be Trotsky? We don’t know, but Lenin I think was not involved. Published on 12320