Wednesday, February 19, 2014

About PWG

Preferred Writers Group is still a relatively new site and there are a lot of new members joining on a daily basis. I am sure many of you have a lot of questions you want answers to. I have compiled a few that I thought many members may benefit from. Here are some of the top questions related to PWG:

1) What is Preferred Writers Group?

2) How is it different from other writing sites?

3) Can I post an article that was previously published?

4) Can I post images?

5) How can I check my earnings?

6) When will I be paid?

7) How will I be paid?

8) Is the site moderated?

9) What should I avoid to save my account being suspended/banned?

10) Can I have multiple accounts?


  1. 1) PWG is a community of writers networking together to earn from their work regardless where they are listed. Although we do enjoy earnings for being members, we are not a pay-site. We are not in competition with anyone and have proven to be a benefit to the sites our writers use. We help new writers get the most from their work by providing resources, tips and suggestions on how to strengthen their content.

  2. 2) PWG is different from other writing sites because there is no President/CEO/Staff overhead. No earnings are ever taken from the writers and they earn 100% of their revenue. As mentioned, PWG is not a pay-site and does not seek to earn a profit from the work/talent of its members. Admins/Staff are writers as well and must earn valid page views like every other member to earn at PWG.

  3. 3) Yes. We only ask that you cite your source with a direct working link to your article if it was previously published elsewhere. This will allow your reader to easily go to your source page and helps you earn more views/readers. This is a benefit unique to PWG. Typically, a pay-site will not allow you to link to another pay-site on their pages. As we are not in competition with pay-sties we don't mind allowing you to link to any site that helps you earn.

  4. 4) Yes. You may post images that are your own or approved by the owners to be shared publicly. I personally use my own or Wikimedia commons, but there are many great resources for approved images. Please always attribute where your image came from. in the Source area at the bottom of your post so it can be easily verify as approved for shared use.

  5. 5) PPV x views = earnings. Your earnings are actually your overall page views for the month. You can see your average earnings per view on the top left of every page (PPV: $0.01). This means for every valid page view you earn 1 penny.
    On the Posts page provided in your top navigation bar you will see all the posts listed. It is a good Idea to include a small print "Post ID Tag" in your source area below your post to easily pull up only your articles.
    Once you have done this, add up all the views your posts have gained for the month to date.
    The views can be found to the right of each post. Mouse over the numbers there until you see the views.
    The number of comments are irrelevant as they do not accurately reflect your valid page views.
    This is an estimated figure of your earnings as the actual valid page views are determined after each view is reviewed at the end of the month. The networks determine the validity of a page view with advanced vetting software. Suffice it to say that any tricks will not work to dupe the system.

  6. 6) As a member you are already benefiting from the connections you make here as well as additional traffic earned from your direct links to other sites. As mentioned, PWG is NOT a pay-site but a writer's resource community. The earnings gained here are an additional perk of being a member.
    When our overall earnings reach $100, we will submit our earnings to our networks and await a payment. This can be up to 30 days from the date we submit our earnings. As we grow these submissions will increase in frequency to decrease the wait time to a weekly basis.

  7. 7) Currently payments are sent to verified Paypal addresses only. You may send you payment info to [].
    Please include your PWG member user name as well as your valid PayPal contact address.

  8. 8) Yes. PWG has a small dedicated staff of four writers that help keep things running smoothly.

    Eden Jaid: (Admin): Design, & Technical Support, Writer
    Laurie Tysinger: (Admin): Networking, FB Group Admin, Editorial, Writer
    Drew De Jesus: (Moderator) Blog Networking, Member Services, Writer
    Siddharth: (Moderator): Quality Control, Member Services, Inquiries, Writer

    This small staff carries a lot of different responsibilities while still only earning from page views on their own posted pages. We appreciate their hard work and dedication to the success of this project.

  9. 9) PWG is not intended to be a writers sweat shop churning out content to the masses, so your chances at getting nixed are slim to none. Considering many of our "rules" are simply guidelines to help you get the most from your work, you aren't going to get banned/kicked here as easily as you would somewhere else. The obvious rules apply:
    - Don't plagiarize other articles. You wont get one valid page view from this. It will be flagged by the moderating software & you wont get paid for anything you have posted previously. You will be removed as a member and we will divide up your earnings like a pack of wolves.
    - Don't use Images that you do not have expressed permission to share in your posts. This is also considered plagiarism and the first rule applies.
    - Don't post offensive/pornographic/inappropriate content. Now, here's my take on what is considered TMI. If you can post it on Facebook, generally, you can post it here. Everyone has their own opinion of what is considered offensive. But the dream here at PWG is for writers to express themselves freely. A mutual appreciation for the members' right not to log in and be offended; as well as respect for members' rights to express themselves should be honored.
    - We must all adhere to our advertisers' guidelines which could change at any time. If I get a warning, I will pass it along to you. Generally, do not incite violence, threats upon others etc. if you can get arrested for it in public don't do it here.

  10. 10) Having multiple accounts is redundant. Your posts earn your $$ here so it doesn't matter what you call yourself while writing them. If you have multiple people in your household that wish to write here that's fine. You have the option to use separate PayPal accounts or use the same PayPal and divide up your earnings at home.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

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