Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Newbie Experiments

Hi guys! This is my first post in Preferred Writers and I'm a bit excited! Thanks for accepting me by the way. I just made my first blog to experiment and find my way through this new endeavor :). It is a new challenge considering that I am not a pro in writing and that our site here is making its baby steps, yey! But congrats to us for being here. :) I'm looking forward to reading everyone's post given the time!

Anyway, since it is Valentine's Day, I thought of writing about my observations on this overrated occasion, hah! I'm not bitter. I guess I'm just not a big fan of celebrations of this sort. But here it is Tell me your thoughts and feel free to disagree with me. :)

Better yet, maybe you could share your great, romantic Valentine's day celebrations to help me change my mind about Hearts Day. Help!


  1. Welcome! I added your link to the blog list page. at:

  2. Also just a reminder, you may want to fill this post out to at least 150 words. You aren't registering any earned page views on the Posts page.

    1. gosh I have no idea how to use adsense. are there more things you're using than just adsense?

  3. There are two laptops and one desktop running 24/7 to power what we are doing here. I probably should invest in a blade server.

  4. Hi! Thanks for the tips! I will try to work on them. Sorry for delayed replies, if it will be a problem just let me know. :)

  5. I do not use Adsense anymore, since once I gotr to the required payout they terminated my account and said I allowed people to access my blog over and over again...LOL I am like what? so I asked them for a detailed reason on why my account was terminated the day I reached the 200.00 payout.. the reason was... per adsense.. You are responsible for all people who come to your blog and their actions while at your website. I responded back to let them know that is impossible since I have no control over what other people do, I only have control over what I do in my own space.


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