Showing posts with label Laura-n-Sasha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laura-n-Sasha. Show all posts

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Creating Creativity With Words - A Creative Writing Experiment

I wrote an article in Bubblews called Becoming Creative - Using Words to Make a Story. You can see the total article on Bubblews: Becoming Creative Using Words to Make a Story. This article examines how you can use an article that someone else wrote, and use their words to make your own article.

This is not plagiarism when you make a brand new story or article because what you do is use every Fifth word in their article.

Let's repeat:
  1. find an article with at least 800 to 1,000 words or a chapter in a book. 
  2. write down or highlight every fifth word
  3. use every one of those words in a article or story at least one time
  4. Post it here, there, and everywhere
So I found a group of article that made up 1,000 words, so I have 200 words to use. I am going to make it even harder for myself by not using any other words, just these 200. It might make it a little weird a story, with weird grammar, but I think it will be a fun way to create something different. 

How about you? Do you want to try out this Creative Writing Experiment too? 

Article by Laura Jevtich of Laura-n-Sasha
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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Keyword Planner Replaces Keyword Tool Review

Wrote an article in Bubblews: 

This is about the search engine optimization (SEO) where you use important keywords to allow people to find your articles, posts, and news. When there are massive amounts of people searching for certain words, why not create an article that helps people find your article?

The tutorial article explains how to set up the keyword planner to find your keywords. You need to set up a Google Adwords account, which is easier to do if you have an account for something else in Google. Then you can just add to that account with the Adwords. 

It is no longer free and anonymous. You need to be a part of Google’s family and accounts now. Get a gmail email account to start yourself off with Google. From there it is easy to get a Google Plus account. Then get the Google Adwords account. 

Hope this helps others with Search Engine Optimization and Google Adwords. 

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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Review of the Ural Sidecar Motorcycle by Laura-n-Sasha

Good Day All,
I wrote a review on Bubblews: Ural Sidecar Motorcycles Road Test where I wrote about the different models and have some great pictures to show. Sasha actually took it out on a road test with Ural Dave the representative of these fabulous vehicles. 

We drove to San Diego, California from Yuma, Arizona, a three and a half one way trip. We went specifically to see this vehicle. In this review I talk about the different models and have pictures. We will be writing a more complete review, with videos and more pictures later on today. We were very excited about the bike and hope to purchase it sometime in the future. This picture shows the Gear-Up Model, which we would like to purchase in the future. 

Laura of 
More articles on under Laura-n-Sasha
Trying out the review process of Preferred Writers Group to see how it works here. Enjoying posting, reviewing, and commenting on posts. 

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Made Tasty Biscuits Now Drying Out Orange Peels

Hi All,
Sasha went off to do an oil change with the truck. We can not do it here because in the Long Term Visitor Area (LTVA) you can not do oil changes on vehicles. Who knows if people would spill oil on the ground? So he went off to an area that is not within the LTVA but is relatively close. And it will be on a parking lot instead of the dirt. 

So while he is doing that, I am using the solar oven to dry orange and grapefruit peels. We use them in our shakes and I wanted to make sure it can be done with our solar oven and these peels. They have a high amount of Vitamin C, almost like taking a vitamin but without all the other garbage that they put into those things. 

I checked on the peels about an hour ago, and they were doing good, so I will wait another hour and hopefully they will be done. 

I have a bit to do today, including working on my website, which is not a blogging but an actual website using Dreamweaver software. I need to learn a few things, and then will get started on it. 

Thanks and hopefully I will have pictures later of those orange and grapefruit peels. 

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

OOps, Forgot the Title - Still a great writing platform with Blogger

I like this writing style a little better than other ones, as there is HTML as well as the ability to link, pictures and videos are allowed here. I like that there is a number of words rather than spaces. I like that this is set up with blogger than any other platform. I can check my spelling, make bullet and numbered lists, change the font to something cool, and have bold, italic, and underlined words. I can even make the text in color or highlight a word to make it more noticeable

All in all, a great way to go. And finally, I can link my website to this post:
Thank you for something different.
Thank you
Laura of Laura-n-Sasha 

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