Showing posts with label PhD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PhD. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


The dynamic quest to uncover, rediscover, avoid the need for undercover, discover are all the angles in A Story (proper noun) is  amiable, alluring and  elusive. The process for exposing any given anomaly  through fiction, imagined  imitations of aspects of reality,  or truth includes a range of details splayed across  value scales like the grays in a sketch. The Story is weighted heavily in a finer sense of pragmatism and intuition.  It is lifted floating in a wanderlust of dazzling heights, a vermillion feather on those supple wind currents of compassion and knowledge. At the end of it all, not the in apocalyptic sense,  but merely in the completion of this idea, a complicated balance,  inconvenient,  is found in the emerging conclusion. *The Hope*.

Some exposures and the creative fair consequences of these are easier to fathom then others especially when the villian or villians are obviously irretrievably that. An antagonist constructed in a flat one dimensional manner in the story line will show us this about life, as well.  To live beyond dimensions or across them is hard. Think of living beyond any given moment and into the next few > 100trillion, 2 billion, 300million 456 thousand times on a regular basis while circling the globe at light speed. WOW! Well, maybe not all that. ;)


Deeply entrenched roots, are not easily removed. The extrication is often damaging to the landscape- a hole- as erosion sets in, and other plants are damaged in the uprooting. Better if the tufts of grass, weeds, seeds, new trees, with less rooted systems, be plucked, planted, pruned, watered and maintained for everyone's enjoyment and good health.  Guided but not controlled in their growth by well appointed gardeners and natural means through wind and storms.

 Simply said, preparation for the future across and beyond objects like crystal balls, obelisks, oracles and tarot cards is the essence of the present, the Y.O.L.O. of it all. Media, literature, the arts and film lend us a hand, offer a vision.

Beyond gardening tips and figurative language, we have arrived at the head stand moment in the yoga class of our discussion. The guest is now a cover, specifically and literally a book cover. Ohh I happen to have one here and I have permission to use it from the author. =Easy=

On this cover, if you choose to buy the book, there is a very interesting detail on the side of the mountain. The top most figure in the imagined evolution, in this truly well crafted, thought provoking and lol book,  and it is  a key to the next novel.   Covers, like this one,  often set the tone along with the title for the content  when carefully chosen. A Story always has a good cover.

 I certainly needed my P.H._D to tell you this.   I am after all  Perfectly Human (yes, that means I have flaws) and  the  first initial  of my name   is identifying me and a minor contribution to the Alphabetical Assembly for shared use in the effort to craft communications of all kinds. :) I now afforded us the most sanguine moment for a little talk about education as a most compelling topic for our times.

On one end of the spectrum education, as an institution, has not yet made a student of the robot but possibly a master. If they attended a local University, what would be their double Major? Would they live in a dorm room with the human students or would they find a corner stand in the communal computer lounge? Robotics is definitely a rainbow for the enhancements it brings to our defenses and quality of life but there is always the threat of a storm, dare I say apocalypse, as many suggest. Just say'n. The Zombie(the viral on virus) of film, video, books  is getting a little heavy competition from the engineered real time plethora of robots. Seems like there is quite the line up for the destruction of humanity theories, past, now present and in the future.

Did you know we need never seek an education on how to play the violin, dance, write or even concern ourselves with the distinction of species as....there is a robot for that.  This phrase may replace the "there is an app for that" predecessor. We are circling the balance of educated artificial intelligence, the new frontier, in relation to human augmentation.  Reasonable progress with a 360 degree  understanding  and awareness of  ripples would be a rare gift for any human or human team.  What will be the future effects? ))))))

Trees Grow Mighty Roots

 Scared, feeling apathetic or just plain ignoring it all. No, when we talk about education, enlightenment and foundations in learning, as they relate to later accomplishments we are finding the gold flakes in glass balls, the true riches. Learning always accompanies expansion in thought along with a deeper understanding of complex boundaries,  ideas but also  tolerance, compassion and culture. What is a mind without a heart, an intuition and  a finer sense of things.  The P.H.(Perfect Human)  level does not deny us this in the whirlpool of life. *The Fight*

In the end, yes, a kind of  apocalypse has occurred in the kidnapping of teen girls and the sordid corrupt and brutal  form their education has taken.  It is perfectly human to demand the right to an education and to preserve the institutions that offer global citizenship through learning. The cover on the face of things and the uncovering of the network of people responsible for this atrocity is a worthy goal. The highest edification in an educational institution comes from the PhD. *Respect*  The fact that this exists and is attainable, if we choose,  along with all the other graduated steps starting from around age 6 on  is a basic right. The freedom, for all people is partly this. Here is a  P.H._D (perfectly human demand ).   I was able to attain an education irregardless of my gender and I wish this for all.  This issue is completely and utterly of our times and once again the International community has begun the fight. Thank your for examining the Glitches along with me.


Bring Back our Girls

By Donna Thompson P.H.-D> ;)
The Glitch
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