Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2014

3 Simple Changes to Better Your Diet

Image Credit: UBC Learning Commons

Big changes start with small steps in the right direction. The little changes that you might not think are important now will start a snowball effect. The effort will build up over time and you will soon be able to take those "harder" steps.

Replace an unhealthy snack with an unprocessed snack.

The key is to change unhealthy habits by replacing them with healthier ones rather than cutting things out. If you cut what you like out, it will create a negative connotation and result into a future binge.

Don't drink your calories. 

Many people don't think about how many calories they consume when they drink. It can be juice, coffee and of course the biggest issue for most, alcohol. Hundred of calories can add up in less than half an hour. Switch to water or tea (if you need the caffeine) and you'll save yourself a lot of those extra calories.

Change your mindset.

Thinking you can't have something is not the same as thinking you don't want to ruin your progress. When you give into a craving, you're thinking about the temporary satisfaction that will ensure. When you regret it later, you're going to think about how it affected your progress in eating clean. Fortunately, that little cheat will not have a big impact on your progress. But it is best to get your cravings under control, so the next time you cheat it's because you want to and not because you lacked the control to resist.

No changes were made to the image and is used under the Creative Commons License. 
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Friday, February 21, 2014

Eating Before Bed?

Image Credit: Sam

Sleeping and eating are both vital components in maintaining proper physical and mental health. But when the two are combined, things can go terribly right or terribly wrong. 

People gaining weight because they ate prior to sleeping is a myth. The calories consumed and not burned off is what will result in weight gain. It does not matter when they actually ate.

While eating before bed is okay to do, there are foods one should not consume. Fats, fiber and protein should be avoided at all costs. Foods that have a high content of any of the three will have a negative impact on digestion and sleeping. They break down slowly thus causing discomfort in the stomach, which can lead to trouble falling asleep. The best way to avoid poor results is to eat a meal two to three hours beforehand or carefully choosing a light, healthy snack to have soon before bed. 

Some foods to avoid before bed are foods that are either fried, spicy or considered junk food due to the high level of sugar content. Another poor choice is red meat due to the fat and protein content. The fiber in oatmeal will also cause gas and digestion to slow. 

Eating before bed isn't a bad thing as long as it is the right kind of food.

No changes were made to the image and is used under the Creative Commons License.
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Friday, February 14, 2014

Pumpkin Cupcakes

So after the holidays I had a bunch of canned pumpkin left over.  I have been finding new ways to use it up. Why I had so much in the first place is a mystery to me, maybe I was supposed to make way more pies or something. Maybe my husband thought we were feeding an army instead of just the family.
I found a delicious recipe and used up some extra pumpkin. Here is the recipe:
Pumpkin Cupcakes
I only use whole wheat and natural cane sugar etc in my baking so these are actually delicious and healthy.
Now that you have the recipe you have no excuse to not make a batch and share them with everyone you know.  I am sure that you probably have some canned pumpkin hiding in your cupboards as well.

If you are a pumpkin fan, you will not be disappointed.  Enjoy, they really are tasty.
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Healthy Homemade Granola Bars

This recipe is delicious and healthy, no High Fructose Corn Syrup or any refined sugars.  I made them for my son's class for a snack and they were very well liked, in fact, one of the students said they were the best granola bars ever.  
This is just the base recipe, you can add whatever nuts, fruits, wheat germ, flax seeds, or anything that may be good in them.  

Heathly Granola Bars

4 cups Old Fashioned Oats
2 cups Chopped Nuts - whichever kind you prefer
1 1/3 cups Sucanat
1 cup Honey
1/2 cup Butter
4 tsp. Vanilla  (you may add different flavorings, Almond, maple etc.)
1 tsp Kosher Salt (Regular may work just as well, may cut back a tad bit)
1/2 cup Craisins, or whichever fruit you prefer.

Preheat oven to 350*  Mix the nuts and oatmeal together and spread onto a cookie sheet. 
Toast in the oven until a golden brown.
Meanwhile, get your 9x9x13 pan ready by lining it with wax paper or foil.  Lightly spray the wax paper with cooking spray.
Keep checking on the oatmeal mixure to make sure it doesn't get to toasted. ( I like to forget this alot and have to start over).  After it is toasted, dump carefully into a large bowl and set aside.

In a saucepan combine Sucanat, honey, butter, vanilla, and kosher salt.  Bring barely to a boil and then remove from heat.

Pour over the oatmeal mixure and add your fruit.  Stir 

well to make sure you coat everything evenly.

Pour the entire mixture into your prepare pan, cover 

with more wax paper or foil and press firmly over the 

entire pan to make sure your bars don't crumble 

apart when they are cool.  

Set aside and let completely cool (2-3 hours)  or put in the fridge for a quicker cooling time. 
After they are completely cooled, turn out and cut into bars. 

 Wrap the bars if they are not going to be eaten right away.  Enjoy some delicious, healthy granola bars.
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