Showing posts with label selfie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label selfie. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Solivagus makes his YouTube Debut!

I've been a busy beaver!

Between starting about five blogs and a youtube channel, it seems like I haven't been doing anything but 'setting up' for a long time LOL.

But I know that everything I do is another step that will never need to be done again and I am enjoying being my own boss and still having the motivation to get everything done.

I have noticed a few of you shared my posts, that was awesome, and I mean from my personal blog!  Make sure you put up a post of your personal blog or get it on Eden's list so I can follow it, right now I'm following about four and I can stand to follow more, easily.

Here's a video introduction I made of myself on my new youtube channel:


Whattya think?  I'm gorgeously retarded at speaking, aren't I?  Sorry, I didn't mean retarded in a derogatory sense, I really mean don't I seem mentally challenged?

Lol, I think I was just shy and surprised that I was doing this!  But in order to be a success these days you have to be willing to put EVERYTHING out there.  And that's something I have no issue with as of late!

Drew De Jesus

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