Monday, February 24, 2014

Charged with Murder

Charged Wіth Murdеr

The trасk star mаdе hеаdlіnеѕ of a different kіnd іn Fеbruаrу 2013, аftеr hіѕ gіrlfrіеnd, fаmоuѕ South Afrісаn mоdеl Reeva Stееnkаmр, wаѕ found dеаd at hіѕ hоmе in Pretoria, South Afrіса. According to роlісе, Steenkamp wаѕ ѕhоt аnd kіllеd оn the morning оf February 14, 2013, wіth bullet wоundѕ tо thе head аnd оnе аrm. Pіѕtоrіuѕ wаѕ soon named a ѕuѕресt іn the саѕе.

Fіvе days after Rееvа Stееnkаmр'ѕ dеаth, on Fеbruаrу 19, 2013, durіng a hearing аt thе Magistrate Cоurt іn Prеtоrіа, Pistorius admitted to unintentionally ѕhооtіng Stееnkаmр аt hіѕ hоmе оn Valentine's Dау 2013. Hе wеnt оn tо ѕtаtе thаt hе hаd mіѕtаkеn hіѕ gіrlfrіеnd fоr an іntrudеr аnd ѕhоt hеr through a lосkеd bаthrооm dооr in thе hоmе. Pistorious is now fасіng a charge оf рrеmеdіtаtеd murdеr аnd, іf fоund guіltу, a mаxіmum term оf lіfе іn рrіѕоn.

Lаtеr іn February 2013, it was rероrtеd that Oscar Pіѕtоrіuѕ'ѕ brоthеr, Cаrl Pіѕtоrіuѕ, іѕ facing a hоmісіdе сhаrgе rеlаtіng tо a 2008 rоаd ассіdеnt durіng whісh a cyclist wаѕ kіllеd.

My other article give more of a background on this young man
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Artemisia Gentileschi, Intellectual Ninja and Forgotten Baroque Master

Artemisia Gentileschi
Painter, Women's Right's Advocate
Intellectual Ninja

Gentileschi painted for royalty and the mighty Medicis, produced emotionally charged work that was, and still is, controversial for its portrayals of sex and violence. Gentileschi is one of the best painters to follow the Great Baroque Master, Caravaggio. She was also ninja enough to be the first woman admitted to the prestigious and all but impossible to get into Academia di Arte del Disegno (Academy of Fine Arts) in Florence.

She was the victim of a sexual assault, and in a brave and unusual move for her time she assisted in the prosecution of her assailant, even though it meant being tortured with thumbscrews. The torture was just to make sure she was telling the truth.
Artemisia Gentileschi reminds us that not all the Great Masters were men, and
Judith Slaying Holofernes
that genius doesn't care about gender.  Her works dealt with challenging themes that still resonate today. Her story reminds us far we have come with human rights, and how far we still have to go.  Click here to read the rest of Artemisia Gentileschi's story.

If you are more interested in people who lived on the other side of the law, you may be interested in my Scourge of Scoundrels series:

Some material was previously published on Bubblews, and appears here with permission.
All images are in the public domain, or are used with permission. All rights reserved.

Jason McBride is the creator of the Intellectual Ninja and the Scourge of Scoundrels series. He is also the author of Watch Out For Sneaker Waves. He is currently hard at work on his first book of fiction, available Spring 2014.

He is the proud father of four amazing children and the happy husband of one wife. He aspires to be an extreme sleeper. 
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Angels, and Ghosts, and Aliens, Oh My!

The Paranormal category on FoK is quite intriguing. You will find a wide variety of "woo-hoo" material there, for those so inclined! Yes, everything from Angels and Aliens, to Bigfoot and Chupacabras, and from Ghosts to Seances.

You'll find me there too. I probably wrote at least a third of them. I have had many strange occurrences in my life. So many it is becoming yet another series for me there, and I've not even entered my teenage years with my stories yet!

There are a lot of other good authors there too, each with fascinating tales of strange events. These are pretty much all true stories too. Most are actual first hand news, and the ones that aren't, are at the very least well written historical overviews.

Yes, I am so glad we added this category. I've been holding on to most of my own stories (which are all quite true, and at least my own perceptions of actual event) for years, with only my children to frighten with them! Soon, I will be getting to the ones that actually involved my children, so there is much more to come. You should start reading NOW, if you don't want to get behind.

You can find them all here...'re not to scared...

Image Credit : "Spirit Portal", Wikimedia Commons,  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
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Children's Nook

Hospitals, doctors, nurse, needle and injections, are the words that any adult is not fond of, let alone a child. So parents will try to make the trip to the doctor less traumatic,  by enticing the child with books and other stuff found in the children's waiting area.

Even as an adult, going to the doctor is never fun. It's such a bore to wait for my turn for my doctor's appointment. I was 15 minutes early, so I decided to stay in a corner away from most patients. I always prefer to stay near this cute little nook intended for patients who are young, as it is more cheerful than the rest of the waiting area. Since I was diagnosed with pituitary tumour, I had been a frequent visitor of this place. This little nook had been my welcomed distractions from the pricks of needles and treatments. Sometimes I will end up reading a book to a child, with the permission of the parents of course. There are wonderful children's books here.

It is more fun though when there are kids using this area. I was actually a bit surprised to find it empty. Usually, there are lots of toddlers running around or just sat reading the books. Probably because I had taken the earliest appointment available, so most kids are still fast asleep or in school.

Since there are no children to distract my uneasiness in the hospital,  I had decided to write this article while waiting. It occupied my mind and made the time shorter. This tiny nook, even without children, still brings that comfort I had gotten used to.
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Raising a Baby Behind Bars

I am sure any mother, inmate or not, wants to raise their own child.  The heartbreak of having your baby taken away shortly after birth is not something that I would want to go through.

Most of the 2000 or so women that give birth in US prisons are not allowed to keep their babies, but there are some prisons that allow it.  One of those prisons is Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women.  Women who give birth here are allowed to keep their newborns with them and a few even up to 18 months.  This privilege is determined by the severity of the crimes committed my the mother.  Mothers convicted of violent crimes or any crimes in regard to harming children are not allowed this privilege.  One mother got in an argument with a guard and her baby was sent home.

The Facility has a play area for the kids and the walls are brightly decorated.  This is of course in a separate wing of the prison.   The children here and well taken care of by their own mothers and people helping at the prison.  A doctor checks to make sure they are growing as they should and there are people to help tend while the mothers are busy with their prison duties. There are also parenting classes to help the new mothers deal with the responsibilities that come with a child.

It is not all fun and games, however, the mothers are still in prison.  They still have a prison regime and not a lot of freedom.

Many mothers (about 33%) who have their child taken away at birth end up back in prison. Mothers who are allow to keep and raise their child fare much better with only about 10% ending back up in prison.

The babies don't know the difference.  They get the time to bond with their mothers and that is so important.

 It is by far better than ending up in foster care.
This Facility has made a smart move in allowing the mothers to keep their babies.  Not only for the babies, but for the mothers as well. There is so much more to live for, why throw it all away for whatever crime got them in prison in the first place.
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What the Possum Said and More

What the Possum Said,  The Encounter with the Humans and  The Lepidoptera Come to Call ;)

In nocturnal escapades, I had outlasted the company of the groundhog who had a penchant for the geothermal in his underground niche. He was content to avoid snowdrifts, frost and the rasp of a middle aged winter from the depths and  hollows of the earth. The snowshoe rabbit had lasted into the wee hours telling tails of powder puffs and how she avoided the freeze of streams in her too young adolescence. She introduced the  noise reduction techniques for a more entrenched listening experience given the sensibility of her ears. She thumped out a simple beat in rhythm with the words and melody of strings of willow.  The supple flexible branches were held taught, strummed for a sound like a harp by two red squirrels. The remaining “night  owls “of the possum passel had given me the hallux -up- thumbs up in human terms- proud of the artistry in hind feet. They pole danced up on and over creaking branches in erotic  and unprecedented patterns. A rather ingenious innovation for their collective tails and adaptive anatomy even if I did want to remind them of the uncompromising magnitude of gravity and the relentless hardness of the firmament below. They were high flying trapeze artist whirling in white, silver and black fur coats, pink nosed, a living sculpture and a testament to the beauty of  unique North American marsupials. A few snow owls had arrived for the party using  the runway of a tundra- like airport for inflight landing much to the detriment of the mechanical birds. Luckily the humans had had the good sense to trap them and take them for a journey 100 km away- for this I was thankful as I did not enjoy the prospect of  meeting them. The humans, while shaking their heads at the climate and changes to habitat,  had the good sense to escort the majestic white birds back to safety. There is hope for the two legged units after all, I thought.

Just before dawn, I scratched  around the base of a convenient jack pine fresh with tapered bursts of dark green lines. I was  in search of grub(s) preferably  snails, rats, slugs or birds,  I caught a whiff of human, wet dog  and the foul smell of carrion….oh , me, oh my,  I suppose I could use a roll in the snow. Last night’s feast was repeating on me in a series of belches and secretions. 

The four-legged canines of the “pet” class, pampered and bedecked in hearts, bells, and colourful collars, were coming fast on short legs, bellies low to the ground effectively carving off hunks of snow.
What should I do? What would you do?  I succumbed to a  facsimile of a  hairy slush pile and embraced the catatonic. All 50 teeth of my omnivorous dental ware, I hoped, showed in a baleful presentation of sudden death.  The abysmal black of my eyes, thanks to enlarged pupils, gave a demonic accent to the whole encounter.  Surely, they would accept me  without the slightest need for the growl, defecating-a personal favorite- gnashing of teeth- void of fangs- or a general bristling of fur on my part. Oh what a tiresome misuse of energy that would be on a freezing cold day.

Was he sleeping or was he toying with us?  We had met up with the two dogs on our way into the bush. The human accompaniment had a knitted pink hat with a pink ribbon seal at the heart that denoted support for the Cancer Society. It was the most intriguing and warming part of her despite pretty strands of  blond meandering out of the hat, bright blues of eyes and a glowing smile. We exchanged a few words before moving on and stumbling upon this fellow.

After circling the little critter, we noted the rise and fall of his breathing. This jack or jill, the proper name for the female and or male opossum, was uninjured and extremely far from any hill or pails of water.  He (an assumption) blocked the passage, with a structure and colour that resembled a midsize hairy boulder. As we stepped closer, we noticed he was tucked into a fetal position.  His ears twitched, and the length of his face was touched by  light pink, his nose. In our amazement and gratitude for a forest share with this cuddly beastie, we dug a smart phone from the recesses of zipped winter gear and captured the jack or jill in a most natural adaptive state of defense. He or she would be out for a staunch 2 hours. I thought this might be a tad blase and possibly restorative, as he was nocturnal.

 What if the possum were laying  latent in the face of say, a wolf, but we were only armed with a point and shoot moment from a mobile. The only damage it might produce was a flawed post to social media, autocorrect, typo infringements or miscommunications by voice.... hmm.  Suffice it to say we captured the curled critter on camera and contemplated the adaptive defense of playing dead.  Well, it works for the Zombies, doesn’t it?

If only Mother Nature had known that the simple opossum could be the greatest inspiration, maybe even the model for a whole cultural phenomenon in movie, film video, music and storytelling.  The creation of the walking dead is embedded in the imaginations of many. Seriously, what exactly started the trend?  Was it a fear of the ultimate virus?  Did I guess that out loud?  Washing hands, avoiding over medication on antibiotics, for everything, including the common cold and  flu shot vaccinations are toted as some of the defenses against zombie and opossum extrapolations. 

This jill or jack will  come back to life for another afternoon or night of configurations and confabulations about his /her day after playing to a  rapt audience of two, three including the first sighting of the amiable woman in pink with  the territorial terriers.  Who will this marsupial, master of the tragic meet? Shakespeare? No.

  Imagine it is a reflective butterfly who has read Lewis Carol while only just a wee caterpillar in chrysalises, hence the innovation in the wing patterns. :)  Form an opinion but not a judgement of the intricate conception of lace, an original snow crystal on the right wing. This is part of the larger blanket on the forest floor and the gentle swirl of billions of flakes overhead. 

 Many tiny incidents  have evolved over time and across cultures into catalysts for excellence. A teenage girl has an appreciation and precision for moving rocks. in time,  she gains a team and comes back from overseas with a gold medal in curling. Soldiers return from Afghanistan and take to the stage for our enrichment and theirs. Creative expression unfolds to bring light to dark times. A feckless boy floats sticks in a river. He builds tiny boats and sets them out to sea, in a lake or pool and becomes a ship’s captain or a ship builder for a  butterfly effect. 

Chaos is not always an issue of destruction, but rather a means for  positive growth or controlled chaos.  Just as a child plays with friends that are not exactly like him or her,  gets caught in the rain or has to learn to play with and beyond the digital frames. These chance happenings lead to wonderful ideas of tolerance, resourcefulness and yes, wet feet- an appreciation for rain.

 It takes four fingers on the hand to make a change up on a diamond. Baseball says it well  for those of you that prefer sports metaphors over nature, mirrored butterflies, snow, ice and words.

Beauty mirrored in varied and intricate works that come together and overlay, augmenting the  blank of pages, the plain of surfaces. These are as  steadfast, solid and lasting as Roman columns. What do you see in your mirror, mirror on the wall,  rear, side view from the driver's seat or the face/faces of  people you love, the people you serve, govern or entertain.-the ultimate mirrors. Let them in turn reflect internally and externally on the essence and act of caring, accomplishment,  the effects of butterflies and the humbling effect of the hallux.                         We are not the only beings on earth with an opposable digit.

Wikipedia: Definition of the Butterfly Effect.  Reflection lends a more positive light,here in this blogpost.

CBC evening news. 

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What has happened to our Country and our Freedom

What has happened to our Country and our Freedom

Our Country and our Freedom is in jeopardy

for the First Time in United States History

By Daniel Clayton

Even though we are told that it started long ago with the wealthiest families, I believe it started here in the United States on November 22,1963 when JFK was  assassinated, he was assassinated by people who want to turn the United States
Into a fascist communist country with them in charge of course. These people would be the Bankers and Oil barons those who have the trillions of dollars to influence, and or control any person or persons no matter what their status is as a citizen or a rich and famous person or a military person of the highest rank or a government person of the highest level, (i.e. president). A person can be gotten too by any means necessary, by money number one, buy blackmail, or just threaten your person or threaten your family. We are talking about people with absolutely limitless money, personal, and access to any and all law and courts enforcement and their technology (i.e.CIA,FBI,NSA,ect.). They are the wealthiest families in the world who have a plan, And if they implement their plan you and I will no longer be free and our country will be plunged into what I don't know, but I do know it will not be pleasant, no dictatorship is pleasant but for only a few. The main reason we are not in a communist dictatorship country is because our very smart Founding Fathers gave us Amendments, the most important ones are the First and Second the Right to Free Speech and the Right to Keep and Bare Arms, that is why we are still a Free Nation. Although they have been called the shadow government or the illuminati or something else what they are is corrupt to the core and very evil, and i mean evil to the truest since of the word. These people have everything you could possibly imagine as far as material wise and power and influence, but they want it all, complete power and control over every american's life just like you see in North Korea and China. You see all dictatorships are basically the same in the way they work. They control the people and they take away all your rights all your property and tell you where you are to live where you will work and how you will live your life. And all that we Americans have fought and died for will be for nothing, and all the american s in Arlington national cemetery and all cemeteries who have soldiers who fought to defend this country against all enemies, Foreign and Domestic;
Will have fought only to have years later the very same kind of people we fought against take root slowly and very deliberately over years take over our country. These people are using our own laws against us to propel their agenda by keeping us in a state of emergency witch suspends the  constitution of the United States allowing them to do what ever they want. But no state of emergency has been declared has it, but a federal judge has said that the NSA can spy on all Americans so has the constitution been suspended ? but the President has not come on TV and stated that we are under a state of emergency has he. But we are seeing our rights being violated every day, how many more of our rights will be violated or will the government and military and police just ignore our rights and the constitution and do what ever they want to us. I don't believe that our law enforcement or any oath takers will completely ignore or violate our rights but for only a few number of law enforcement personal. I have herd that some police have been training for a citizen uprising and that all police in the United States will be federalized and the United States will be put under Martial Law. I truly believe that our police and military will not fire upon Americans weather or not they are armed, in fact I believe our police and military know who the real enemy is, it is for the first time in american history the enemy is our government. President Ronald Reagan said the government is not the solution to our problems government is the problem. How right he was, all three branches of government are against the people, they are for the New World Order and still most people are still not believing that this is happening, Wake the HELL UP America it can and is happening right now, just like the money that was taken from the people not once not twice but three times, the Bankers and the Corporations and the Government stole Trillions of Dollars from the people and they the Bankers and the Corporations and the Government were the ones who were behind the whole mess in the first place, We the People said no we don't want to pay that money to you criminals and they the Bankers and Corporations and the Government thumb their proverbial noses at us and said screw will pay for our mistakes weather you like it or not, and the American people were FORCED TO PAY TRILLIONS. And now they don't need an excuse they just take what ever they want and as much as the want We the People seem to have no power to stop them, and not one of our so called representatives will help We the People.
These people and groups and individuals use mob like and fascist and communist tactics against us, as used by dictators in Russia, China, North Korea and other countries that suppress their people with violence lies and deception and propaganda and right now propaganda is is their number one weapon, and when I am talking about these people groups and individuals I am talking about the NWO (ie. the new world order). As military teaches its warriors take out and then control information as in take control of the media, TV, and radio, like you I grew up watching the news and trusting ever word they said as truthful and correct cause I never thought they the commentator on TV would lie to me...why would he or she lie to me or deceive me we are a free country that propaganda stuff happens in thoes other countries like Russia, China, countries like that not here in the United States land of the Free and home of the Brave. But these people have a plan
To take control of the United States and take control of every aspect of our american lives from cradle to grave just like those other countries but I say nope no way commie scum bags its not gona happen you liberal brain dead maggets We will not bend to your will nor will we listen to you with your propaganda lies and deception. It is truly sickening and horrifying to know that commies are running our country and making and breaking laws everyday. The government is so bloated with bureaucratic red tape and what these cluster f**ks accomplish is for the NWO. But of course that is why they were appointed in the first place, Appointees due more damage to the people and to our businesses throughout all fifty states they make decisions based on what they think and what they believe is right and they change law or make new law and they are not supposed to be able to do such things but they do them anyway, and as always money greed and power and control over others always are the reasons behind actions and decisions these scum bag magget brain dead appointees do, and they could care less about the people who pay their salaries. WE THE PEOPLE are slaves to the New World Order. RIGHT NOW!
These people in the NWO have kept us in dept and under their control for a very long time because they control the banking system and the interest rates and they have complete control of our law makers as in all three branches of our so called government, in one manner or another, we were told a long time ago to not install a central banking system but in 1913 in secret that is exactly what happened, but was never ratified and they called it the Federal Reserve to fool the people into thinking that it is a branch of the corrupt  fascist magget scumbag federal government. So if you control the money and interest rates you can control many things and people and institutions openly or behind closed doors witch is where most of the control happens, they can control the government and the military and most of the media. The NWO wants to control most if not all of the world, and the United States is the key to it all.
I miss my country and I want it back damm it, And We will get it back one way or another, and like President Bush said everything is on the table. Our ass wipe Government have taken most of We the Peoples power and many of us people are not fully awake of what is truly going on with the corrupt government and the plans to fundamentally change the United States into a fascist communist country but like admiral Yamamoto said about the American people  and America in general all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and We the People are  giants in our determination to remain Free.

photo by Daniel Clayton
freedom post id 0002
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Preferred Writers Group Outlook for 2014

Many writers have a false impression that by simply tossing up random articles they can earn a decent return. Like anything else, the quality of the article + the interest for the topic = better earnings. Here at PWG the "average" PPV (pay per view) fluctuates around $.006 to $.01 per view. Does this mean every member is getting the same rate? No. Whether you are writing for someone else or writing for yourself using Adsense, you must understand how your pages are valued by advertisers.

Valid Page Views
Regardless what the site stats register, the final valid page view count is ultimately determined by the one who pays for them. In our case, Adsense, which paid for 13971 views in February. Analytics divides these views up by page (writer) to determine how many views we have earned individually. Both Laurie Tysinger and I admin the Analytics for PWG.

PPV: Performance Page Value:
The total income / total valid views = PPV. Example:
86.32 / 13971 = .0061785126333119
Each page on our site has an average value of .006 for the month of February

Writers Earnings
(Total Income) / (total views) = (PPV) x (your valid page views)
86.32 / 13971 = .006 x 2225 = $13.35 (10 day earnings courteous of Jason McBride)

How To Increasing your PWG earnings

PWG Network Leveraging
(1) Direct link to your own paid work on other sites and reciprocate shares/visits. This is sort of like Bubblews on steroids. Rather than view/like/commenting on one page, PWG members view/interact/comment on each others' monetized blogs, pay-sites and personal websites. As a result, PWG facilitates members' earnings potential by 1000% by allowing them to leverage their total earning sources through one large network.

Writing Quality Content
(2) This doesn't simply mean writing well, but selecting content people want to read. The more popular your content, the higher your page is valued by advertisers. Michael Arrington, owns ‘Tech Tech Crunch focuses on electronics and technology and earns $500,000 – $800,000 per month in advertising revenue. With 90 dedicated writers there is no reason our PWG Team of 90 writers could not be earning those same figures focusing on new gadgets and upcoming technology.

Follow What's Trending
(3) Google Trends shows the top trending topics being searched in real time. Writers can get a heads up of events as they occur around the world and become among the first to get the news out to the world. These are typically not evergreen topics but have the advantage of producing massive spikes in advertising value during the course of a day or week depending on the topic. It is estimated that when Fast and Furious Star, Paul Walker died, over $1.7 million was earned by bloggers in the US and UK reporting on it in the first 24 hours. This may rattle some of you to write on such topics, but it's called News. And it sells.

Include Your Own Ads on Your Pages
(4) You can insert your own Adsense or Adsence Approved code into the HTML of your page to have your 728x90 ad appear at the bottom of your posts. It's a given this is not allowed by many other pay sites. But PWG is not designed to be your pay site. We are here to provide you the tools you need to leverage and promote your own monetized work. What we earn here is divided up fairly among us, but ultimately how well you earn here is up to you.

Post ID Tag: 10197

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Scamming the Scammer

There are scammers everywhere now days.  The call your home, and invade your inboxes. They pop up as ads all over the internet.  I usually just ignore them, but I am so tired of them and cleaning my inbox of them.  All the promises of tons of money with little or no work.  It never ends.
I often wonder why people would choose to live a life as a scammer.  It may be easy to take peoples' money, but is it worth it?  They choose a life of dishonesty and loneliness.  No matter how careful these people are, they will get caught and lose everything they ever had.  Can you just imagine your spouse getting arrest for being a con man (or woman) or scammer?  I would never trust that person again.  It would break my heart, yes, but it wouldn't be worth ruining my reputation over it.  Even being married to a person like that would ruin my reputation to some degree.  My friends would stop trusting me and probably anyone that knew me.  Do they not realize how selfish this is, or have they just stopped caring? 
What these scammers don't realize, is that they are not just ruining peoples' lives, but are ruining their own in the long run.
A few years back the latest greatest scam going around what the "You won X amount of dollars in some foreign country, but in order to give it to you, you have a pay a "duty" of X amount."  Not sure what they named this one.  Knowing this scam was going around and just waiting for my turn to mistakenly answer the phone I was prepared with my own little "scam" just for them.

Scamming the Scammer
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Writing Tip: Why Seekyt Uses VigLink

This may be the last in my series of articles about Seekyt for the Preferred Writers Blog as I have covered that writing site fairly thoroughly from top to bottom. However, since several from the PWG community have signed up to write for Seekyt, I wanted to do a post for the writers here about the new affiliate program Seekyt now uses which appears to be better than Amazon and AdSense. The program is called VigLink.

One reason signing up for VigLink should appeal to PWG writers is there appear to be a lot of international writers here, many of whom cannot participate with Amazon because of geographic or local restrictions. VigLink is a good fit for international writers.

VigLink will also work for those who have been kicked out by AdSense and who aren't earning enough with Chitika. Even if you are successfully using all of the above, you might find even more value with VigLink.

What is VigLink?
VigLink is affiliated with over 30,000 sites, so Seekyt writers can sell products from virtually anywhere online through the program: eBay, Amazon, Walmart, Macys, Nike, Home Depot, Forever 21, Neiman Marcus, Dillards, etc. You can now earn money on your articles by mentioning products from any and all of the websites which are VigLink merchants, so it is obvious why VigLink is a good option. -- Seekyt
 The article VigLink for Dummies breaks the VigLink affiliate program down into ten simple steps to understand how it works and how to get it working for you. VigLink DOES NOT WORK if you do not use it correctly. Just posting the code in your blog is not enough.

VigLink also has a referral program. If you would like to use my referral link to sign up, Please Click Here. Read the article to find out how to maximize VigLink.


Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing the link to this article with others. This article is © Kathryn Darden, all rights reserved,  and is not available to repost on websites, blogs, discussion boards, Facebook, or to translate and post elsewhere without written permission.

Post ID KD214

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