Evan Sharboneau is a talented surrealist photographer that is perhaps the best kept secret in trick photography. He provides tutorials via Youtube to show normal everyday photography buffs like myself simple methods to produce ultra-cool photos.
Sharboneau particularly focuses on manipulation of light in photography. Very little of his work is Photoshop, but he does advocate the use of Photoshop as well to refine your work and make it stand out.
His creative photography is facilitated by the use of a
digital single lens reflex camera a or (DSLR) which combines the optics and the mechanisms of a single-lens reflex camera with a digital imaging sensor, as opposed to photographic film, for you photog buffs that understand that stuff. The end result is amazing images that any one can easily achieve. If you an artist or even a writer, Evan teaches you these simple tricks that can be used with even the most basic of digital cameras will bring your work to vibrant life.
He currently has an ebook available which explains in his user friendly layman's terms how to utilize the various techniques he employs to achieve remarkable photo-surreal images. Anyone that has taken art photography in college will appreciate the integrity of his collection. It's not often the artists share with us how they create their masterpieces.
If you happen to be an artists, a photojournalist or even simply want to spice up your articles with some creative images, I highly recommend you follow Evan on his
Youtube Channel.
If you are serious about creating some amazing images for your journals, exhibits or articles I highly recommend Evan's eBook. Which details easy and very economical methods to producing high quality images that will look like they were created by a professional utilizing expensive camera equipment. See more of Evan's work on his Youtube channel linked above or purchase is eBook at
All images were labeled for "reuse" by the photographer (Evan Sharboneau) on Google images.
Image ID 10197
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