Sunday, March 2, 2014

Federal Government Tweaks ACA For State Health Exchanges

A policy change regarding the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the state run health exchanges was quietly announced last week by the Health and Human Services (HHS) department.

The problems with the federal health exchange at have been well documented locally and nationally. However, consumers attempting to sign up for coverage on the state exchanges have experienced technical issues which have prevented enrollment through the state exchange.

Currently 17 states haves their own healthcare exchange. Particularly problematic have been the exchanges in Oregon, Massachusetts, Maryland and Hawaii. The change in policy may allow consumers who were unsuccessful at enrolling in the state exchange access the federal subsidies and tax credits retroactively.

Consumers must prove they attempted to enroll in the state exchange unsuccessfully and then purchased an ACA compliant policy for 2014. Federal subsidies for the cost of the insurance could then be applied for the current policy as well as retroactively should the consumer satisfy the income requirements.

Additional information available at
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Creating Creativity With Words - A Creative Writing Experiment

I wrote an article in Bubblews called Becoming Creative - Using Words to Make a Story. You can see the total article on Bubblews: Becoming Creative Using Words to Make a Story. This article examines how you can use an article that someone else wrote, and use their words to make your own article.

This is not plagiarism when you make a brand new story or article because what you do is use every Fifth word in their article.

Let's repeat:
  1. find an article with at least 800 to 1,000 words or a chapter in a book. 
  2. write down or highlight every fifth word
  3. use every one of those words in a article or story at least one time
  4. Post it here, there, and everywhere
So I found a group of article that made up 1,000 words, so I have 200 words to use. I am going to make it even harder for myself by not using any other words, just these 200. It might make it a little weird a story, with weird grammar, but I think it will be a fun way to create something different. 

How about you? Do you want to try out this Creative Writing Experiment too? 

Article by Laura Jevtich of Laura-n-Sasha
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Mixology of Life

On Jumeirah Beach Road  a drink at the bar  is science.  Liquids, all sorts, and  spices are infused,  combined with alcohol for innovative and titillating taste experiences. Mixology is an art form , a voyage, taste bud tourism. Through the effervescent, moody blues of the table lantern, you can make out the neat and classy frame of a fine scotch next to the more experimental Arabian Lemon Drop. This is where the story begins.

Our 25th anniversary arrived like a snowfall that creates a  fine base on a particularly well visited and challenging ski slope. We, being skiers, decided to mark the occasion in our own style. I was on my way back to Canada from Chennai to visit with family and take care of  business. Hubby was remaining in Chennai where he worked with the engineers of a tech company. The logistics of geography would not impede the landmark of 25 years of shared space, woes, celebrations, kids, challenges and x's and o's , both in intimacy and as a scratching of pencil on paper. We concluded that the event would involve a stopover in Dubai. I would then fly on to Canada and hubby would return to Chennai, India, perfect!

I began the research as we had a licorice string budget and it needed to be in the black not the red of colours.  This is how it turned out.

I booked us for cocktails and snacks at the Burj Al Arab on the night of our anniversary. We filled up on Swarmas for a mere $2.99 (aprox.) at the mall as we could not afford the dinner at a 7 star hotel and swarma is truly delectable. I wondered if the elite  hotel with world class status would look down on us as we were obviously not rock stars, celebrities,  affluent oil sheiks or people who swam in a sea of money. We were going to the Burj Al Arab, on the cheap, in order to celebrate an achievement, yes, the accomplishment of living 25 years with the same person.  We were living in the multilayer, as opposed to the mortality, sense of the word, of a 25 year commitment. I was curious to know if anyone from a middle income, could walk in experience the beauty, the opulence,  pay their bill, obviously scrimping on a few luxuries,  and be welcome. Treated with the same respect as any client.  Not made to feel cheap or less for obvious cuts to spending in a place where "you can afford it all" philosophy was regularly put into practice.

I was pleasantly surprised. We started at a two person table in close proximity to the bar.  I leaped up onto my long legged seat with my short legged physic. We were 20 long strides, of a 6 footer, from the wall of windows.  We had not opted for  the more decadent seating, a table next to  paneled glass with panoramic views of the city.  Lesson 1: Never say never in a life of shifting paradigms . As the evening sauntered forward,  a table opened up closer to the windows, than closest.  Our waiter guided us through the gradations of decreasing metric measurements until I could reach out and feel the smooth cool surface of a city behind glass.  As far as comparative adjectives go, we reached the haute de jour of descriptive bliss, there, above the luminous architecture of the Las Vegas of the Emirates, Dubai.

I was presented with a fresh rose that was so rich and dark a red that it bordered on escaping the confines of chromatic scale. The fulsome flower was presented to me by 3  dark eyed , men  who were  a study in polite smiles, words  and gestures that were meticulously classic and traced in grace. Hubby sipped and swirled his age old scotch in contentment. His  intimacy with and  appreciation for a well honed malt was sublime.  He may well have imagined heaven inside that tumbler. :)  We circumvented the $2000 drinks, naturally, but marveled at the fact that they existed and imagined who we would have to be to order these. We laughed and enjoyed the concept while challenging any fall into stereotyping. What an experience. In the end we had a lovely 25th made better by the staff of the Burj Al Arab.

 At the conclusion of the evening, we asked for a Taxi and instead were escorted home in a black car with leather seats, at no extra charge. It restored my faith in the value of  25th anniversaries, swarma as a prequel and mixology, not the drinks, although the lemon drop was divine, but  of people from different places coming together for a special evening without snobbery or preconceived notions of status or wealth. I, in turn, had donned my best dress, far from designer, but elegant and flowing and had waited patiently from a bar seat that had cost me less. I saw others, like me, gradually ushered forwards as empty spaces opened up at the windows in the absence of dinner diners.The dinner was way beyond reach for those of us that ended up, in time at the window.  I say this without malice but as a realistic expectation for a 7 star, world famous hotel.

The 25 years of this and that, love and loss, monogamy and  future couple hood had been raised to new heights that night on the top floor amidst the mixology of contemporary times, one aspect of Dubian culture,   the haze of  lights and the art chemistry of beverages with exotic or familiar names.

 I left for Canada shortly after and hubby returned to Chennai. Skype became our next phase of connection and yes, we are both here for the 26th,   check mark also for the 27th and... Stop, no one really  writes their story or reflects on the classic relationship model that far ahead or in that much detail. :)

Our  mature couple hood exists not in complete elasticity  and is hopefully not wooden but works at being a silk ribbon tied in a bow, wrapped and entwined for aerial feats, slip knot, dancing on wind or woven. It may be loosened, retied, refreshed with new colours and textures  but never knotted. The soft supple silkiness replaces chains, hemp, welding  or other connects in this, my ideal, perfect relationship. :) Human, as I am, the Lemon Drop,  infused with exotic flavors with a rim encrusted with crystals and spice,  is  one recipe for the mixology, the chemistry of life. Indulge yourself with a sip from  the drink metaphors and feel free to imagine your own concoction, enhance your own mixology...through booze, LOL, no, in choices that mix it up without an excess of puddles or spills. :) Cheers.

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

RELEASE THE KRAKEN, um...I Mean Angels, of Course...

Now for the moment many have been waiting for...the beginning of an unprecedented interview with the phenomenal Angels of Liberty! Not one's to even grant frequent interviews, Voe and Scarlet have done me a great honor in even allowing this! I am eternally grateful to them for it.

You simply won't believe some of the things I've asked them. Even more surprising are their answers! It gets better with each part of the interview too, so you have to read each and every one.

I am releasing them one per night at midnight till we are all done. Each one gets more interesting than the last, so you have to keep reading to get the whole scoop. You will be glad you did too. Even if your not a fan of Goth Rock, this is fascinating stuff!

You can read more in the first part of the interview here...
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Cross County Awards Night Was This Past Tuesday And Jacob Was Honorable Mention For The Season

The other day, we got a late phone call from the award committee in the county. They apologize, and wanted Jacob to come to the award dinner. You see, that the county determined, what most people in the county knows, that Jacob, is a blossoming star, that represents the county, for future goals, and admiration. They told Jacob, as the youngest runner in the county ever, achieved a mark, that no other 13 year old has accomplished. He ran the mile in 4:09 .They wanted him to get an award, to show the appreciation from the county. They gave him a trophy, and thanked him for doing well, and they also will count on him in the future, to leave a mark for Columbia county for years to come. He was very pleased, when they asked him to come on the stage, and he got a standing ovation, that made hi9m blush. He is not used to the limelight, as he is just running to his best ability, as being a Columbia county citizen. We came home, and the first thing he did, was put his trophy on the center of the wall unit. He is very proud of his accomplishments, but wants to take life as a simple phase, in him growing up. I can't say enough for his sportsmanship, and the quality of his character, by growing up and maturing, and have an all around humbleness, of his greatness.
+Cross county
+Awards night
+Honorable mention
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If you want it, you have to fight for it.

I was pregnant when marriage  life  reach the  point  of  giving  up  everything.Everyday  was  very stressfull with  little  support  from  my  in laws.Being away from my own family  made  me  realize that  there  is no  place  like home.Nobody  strong  enough to  lean  on during  troubles but  only  your  own  family.

With  the  stress  felt  everyday  my  pregnancy  was  affected.My doctor  told me  that  if  I will  not  be  very  carefull  I am going  to  lose  my  baby.I  want  my  baby as  much as I want  to  live.Determined  not  to  loss  my  baby  ,I  decided  not  to  give  up . Have to  be  on  a complete  bed rest ,I did  it  for  the  sake  of  saving my pregnancy.

Finally she  was  welcomed in this  world.Her  birth changed  everything  and  erased  every  bad memories  of  the  past.I did it.I wanted  her  and  fought  for  her.

You want something, dont  just  sit down and see  it  disappear in front of your eyes.Fight  for  it.

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The most Awesome kids movie of 2014?

The LEGO movie was released in America on the 7th of February, and in the UK on the 14th of February, and it was highly anticipated thanks to a very clever and appealing trailer which provided a great build up to the release of the film.

Produced by Warner Home Video, the world of Lego has been animated in such a rich way it rivals any animations from Disney or Sony from recent years. The sets range from the Lego City we see in many of the best selling Lego kit sets, to the Wild West, to the fictional Cloud Cuckoo Land. All are very different, providing lots of visual interest for the viewer when you see what they have created out of animated Lego. 

They have also managed to get lots of appealing characters involved such as superheroes like Batman, Superman and The Green Lantern, and then historical characters like Cleopatra and Abraham Lincoln, to fictional greats like Gandalf from Lord of The Rings and Dumbledore from Harry Potter, to Nelson from The Simpsons. There really is a character to appeal to everyone.

The film has a bit of a parody feel to it in places. It starts off with a panorama shot through a scene which is very reminiscent of the mountains in Lord of The Rings. The first character we see on screen is Vitruvius. He is a wizard type character, known as a Master Builder. Voiced by Morgan Freeman, he has an authority about him. When a weapon is stolen from him by baddie President Business (Will Ferrell) we hear a prophecy that one day President Buisness's evil plan will be stopped by a lego hero who will be known as the Special. (I'm sure I won't be the only person who sees a bit of a Harry Potter type or even Narnian plot here. )

 We then transfer to Lego City, where we meet hero Emmett (Chris Pratt). A very ordinary guy, who spends most of his life trying to fit in, he is the least 'special' person you could imagine as a hero. However, as the film progresses, we see him finding the missing piece to stop Business, escaping from a Bad cop (Liam Neeson) impressing the other Master Builders with his ability to blend in, and always being willing to give things a go even if he doesn't see how it will work.

This film has a real richness to it. The plot appeals to kids and adults equally. It was very engaging, and the film kept my family fully engrossed to the end. The soundtrack features the most cheesy and catchy song you could ever imagine. 'Everything is Awesome' if you watch this film. I think it will take a lot to beat this film this year.

I would give this 10/10. I would go and watch this again in the cinema or purchase it on DVD as I am sure that it would be just as entertaining to watch again, and I think I would spot something new each watch through as there was so much going on.

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Publishers Review: JuicyAds

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An Intriguing Interview is on the Way!

OH MY GOTH!!! The long awaited Angels of Liberty interview is forthcoming!
Keep your eyes peeled! It is VERY GOOD STUFF!

I'm thinking I should start disseminating this intriguing interview tonight at Midnight, EST! Seems fitting to me!

Please, don't miss it! It is rather lengthy, but there will be links to the individual parts, right here on PWG, and my personal music blog, Music to Mystify the Masses, so stay tuned for updates.

You simply must read the mind blowing answers I get to some pretty gutsy questions (if I do say so myself)! This should be of interest to the entire Goth community, nah...the whole music scene, nah...THE WORLD AT LARGE, so don't miss it!

I am very grateful to Voe Saint-Clare and Scarlet Powers for sharing a bit of themselves with me, and with the world. This is NOT something you will see everyday, as they are very private, and I must say, amazing individuals!

Here is one of their latest videos to get you in the mood!

Image Credit : Courtesy of Angels of Liberty, Logo Design : EoS Designs, © 2014.

Also published on , March, 3rd, 2014.

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Importance of the Language

Marrying  a  korean  gave  me  a  lot  of  challenges  to  face  bravely  in  order  to  attain  a  happy  married  life.Ranging  from  the  language  to  the  cultures  ,I  have  to  exert  my  efforts  and  use  every  resources  I  could  find  to  make  South  Korea  my  second  home.

First  is  the  language.Not  every  korean  speak  and  understand  english.From  ten  persons  you  speak,you  would  consider  yourself  lucky  if  one  can  understand  english.My  husband  and  his  family  cant  speak  and  understand  english  .But  that  did  not  prevent  the  marriage.Though  my  husband  understand  a  little, he  could  not  relate  with  me  in  a  fluent  matter.

Now  comes  the bigger  challenge.Having  conversations  with  my  in laws  who  can  not  understand  what  I  am  saying.I  know  a  little  how  to  speak  their  language  but  the  way  I  pronounce  it  makes  it  different  for  them  to  understand.Sometimes paranoia takes  over  me especially  when  they  talk  and  laugh  in  front  of  me.The  encouragement from  my  husband  served  as  my  backbone and  strenght.I  tried  to  learn  as  much  as  I  could  the  korean  language.

In  or
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