Marrying a korean gave me a lot of challenges to face bravely in order to attain a happy married life.Ranging from the language to the cultures ,I have to exert my efforts and use every resources I could find to make South Korea my second home.
First is the language.Not every korean speak and understand english.From ten persons you speak,you would consider yourself lucky if one can understand english.My husband and his family cant speak and understand english .But that did not prevent the marriage.Though my husband understand a little, he could not relate with me in a fluent matter.
Now comes the bigger challenge.Having conversations with my in laws who can not understand what I am saying.I know a little how to speak their language but the way I pronounce it makes it different for them to understand.Sometimes paranoia takes over me especially when they talk and laugh in front of me.The encouragement from my husband served as my backbone and strenght.I tried to learn as much as I could the korean language.
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This is a very brave union. I don't think I could make this work.