Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2014

War is an ugly thing.

The country of Venezuela is the latest country to fall victim of the ugliness of war. Earlier today I posted a poem on Bubblews in memory of a good friend who went to visit family there and got caught in the middle of the events that have taken place in that country for the past few days. She and her baby are missing since Sunday and we can only hope and pray that where-ever she might be she is safe and sound. We don't want to give up hope because that is all we have left to cling on to asides from the memories of time spent with her. The injustice of war takes over another country yet again.

War is a very ugly thing, yet more and more the world is turning to war to solve their political and social problems without realizing the many innocent lives they are ending with their actions.

I know I haven’t been much active here lately; I’m slowly starting to do so, for I am handling too many personal things at the moment. But if you are interested on reading the poem, you can find it here

(If Bubblews is not down and if the link posted here properly works)

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Should children be euthenised?

A while back I read about a law that has been passed in Belgian thanks to the insistence of many doctors who have requested that children with a critical illness be euthanized. Now there are a lot of things that would make a person agree or disagree with such law, but honestly, should children be robbed of their life simply because some doctors want to get rid of them? Don’t you think that is beyond cruel? We understand why animals are euthanized, but children? Should they be put down like a pet that is too sick to make it through life, or because of an injury that has rendered them disabled for the rest of their life, or because of having a chronic cold, terminal illness or anything else?

In their defense the doctors proposed the counter argument that adults in that country already have the option of assisted suicide, so children who go through illness beyond a child’s comprehension and control should be given the same choice. However it will not be up to the child to decide, doctors will decide when to call the shots and have the child euthanized. Now if that isn’t terrifying and more than a new boogieman for many children, I don’t know what is.
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