Showing posts with label earning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earning. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2014

Preferred Writers Group Outlook for 2014

Many writers have a false impression that by simply tossing up random articles they can earn a decent return. Like anything else, the quality of the article + the interest for the topic = better earnings. Here at PWG the "average" PPV (pay per view) fluctuates around $.006 to $.01 per view. Does this mean every member is getting the same rate? No. Whether you are writing for someone else or writing for yourself using Adsense, you must understand how your pages are valued by advertisers.

Valid Page Views
Regardless what the site stats register, the final valid page view count is ultimately determined by the one who pays for them. In our case, Adsense, which paid for 13971 views in February. Analytics divides these views up by page (writer) to determine how many views we have earned individually. Both Laurie Tysinger and I admin the Analytics for PWG.

PPV: Performance Page Value:
The total income / total valid views = PPV. Example:
86.32 / 13971 = .0061785126333119
Each page on our site has an average value of .006 for the month of February

Writers Earnings
(Total Income) / (total views) = (PPV) x (your valid page views)
86.32 / 13971 = .006 x 2225 = $13.35 (10 day earnings courteous of Jason McBride)

How To Increasing your PWG earnings

PWG Network Leveraging
(1) Direct link to your own paid work on other sites and reciprocate shares/visits. This is sort of like Bubblews on steroids. Rather than view/like/commenting on one page, PWG members view/interact/comment on each others' monetized blogs, pay-sites and personal websites. As a result, PWG facilitates members' earnings potential by 1000% by allowing them to leverage their total earning sources through one large network.

Writing Quality Content
(2) This doesn't simply mean writing well, but selecting content people want to read. The more popular your content, the higher your page is valued by advertisers. Michael Arrington, owns ‘Tech Tech Crunch focuses on electronics and technology and earns $500,000 – $800,000 per month in advertising revenue. With 90 dedicated writers there is no reason our PWG Team of 90 writers could not be earning those same figures focusing on new gadgets and upcoming technology.

Follow What's Trending
(3) Google Trends shows the top trending topics being searched in real time. Writers can get a heads up of events as they occur around the world and become among the first to get the news out to the world. These are typically not evergreen topics but have the advantage of producing massive spikes in advertising value during the course of a day or week depending on the topic. It is estimated that when Fast and Furious Star, Paul Walker died, over $1.7 million was earned by bloggers in the US and UK reporting on it in the first 24 hours. This may rattle some of you to write on such topics, but it's called News. And it sells.

Include Your Own Ads on Your Pages
(4) You can insert your own Adsense or Adsence Approved code into the HTML of your page to have your 728x90 ad appear at the bottom of your posts. It's a given this is not allowed by many other pay sites. But PWG is not designed to be your pay site. We are here to provide you the tools you need to leverage and promote your own monetized work. What we earn here is divided up fairly among us, but ultimately how well you earn here is up to you.

Post ID Tag: 10197

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

DynamicOxygen I use on my blogs for site revenue (Discussion type of topic)

I have used DynamicOxygen on my websites for a few years and I must say they are clean ads that run and you can adjust it to your liking.

Your website has to go through an approval process. Join here 

Once you are approved you then can log in and get your ad codes to place on your blog or website.

and this is a plus for everyone that joins with you.
If you send us a referral, you will be paid 5% of that referral's commissions for life! 

DO will pay Publisher commissions for valid clicks and /or valid impressions generated from the use of DO Technology on Publisher Media. All payments will be in U.S. Dollars and shall be made to Publishers approximately 45 days after the calendar month in which they were earned. DO will pay Publisher upon reaching a level of fifty ($50.00) dollars for all commissions earned under this Agreement less mailing fees for Publishers abroad (Outside the United States) and less any deductions for Invalid Activity. Commissions earned during any calendar month that are less than fifty ($50.00) dollars, at DO's sole discretion, shall be carried over to the next billing period. In the event DO has not received payment for a portion of such bid amount earned, DO may delay paying commission due to Publisher on such portion until 30 days after DO collects such portion. Publisher is responsible for maintaining all payment and contact information current in Publisher Center. 
You will see they are very strict when it comes to payments and they review and make sure everything is up to par before paying out, they have been in business since 2007 and I have been with them since 2011, I have to be honest my blog was not up to par and I am working on it to get more views, I was paid  in 2013 for my 3rd party publishing, I stopped working that blog while I was injured and learning to walk again.

But I am almost back to the old me again and now I am fast at work again writing and blogging. If you have a really active website/blog this will do very well for you.
I do enjoy it along with using other means for site revenue

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How To Turn Facebook into your Connections Log to Earn Views.

You will find a new "Notifications" link in your top navigation bar. You will need to be logged into your Facebook page for this to work. But you can now 'Connect' with and 'Follow' the posts of PWG members that have interacted with your work regardless of where you posted it. Ideally, you would want PWG to be your first Facebook Post. Why lose out on free earnings when you are allowed to directly link to your other pay-sites anyway? Follow these directions to set it up.

1. Share your PWG Post on your Facebook PWG Group Page.
2. Click on 'Notifications' in your PWG top toolbar.
3. Look for, "Shared your Post." Signifying they have passed your post along to earn you new readers rather than simply "liked" it on FB.
4. Also, check your PWG post to see if they commented directly on your post earning you a page view rather than simply "commenting" on FB.
5. Click on their name and share/comment on one of their posts.
6. Mouse over their name in Notifications and Click "Follow" to list them as a Great Connection.

You  can choose to turn off the Facebook notifications that are not your readers if you like to clean your list leaving only those connections that are earning you page views.
Just another way we here at PWG are helping you earn more!

Post ID: 10197

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Getting The Most From Your PWG Post

Consider Enabling Adblock on Your Browser
We rely upon ad revenue gained from organic traffic coming in from offsite. We have multiple ad formats running simultaneously which can make it difficult to focus if you are reviewing your post, commenting or otherwise. So you may want to disable these ads while you are working. If you use Chrome you can find this free extension in Settings/extensions: Adbock. Or get it here:

Important! Tag Your Post!
Before submitting you post, be sure you Tag your post with your own unique Post Tag directly below your post. This can be your name or a number. Include this on your every post. This will ensure your post is not over looked when counting views at the end of the month.

Regarding Page Views
You may share your posts extensively as you wish utilizing any Adsense approved services you wish to gain valid visitors to your posts. Traffic Exchange and Paid Traffic is NOT ALLOWED. Understand that ONLY your valid page views will be counted so don't rely on your site page views as an accurate measure of your actual earnings. If it is not counted as valid by our sponsors you WILL NOT receive earnings for it. So choose your share sources carefully.

Include Your Own Ads in Your Posts
You may include (1) 728x90 Ad in your post from your own Adsense approved network. See: PWG Article for instructions and guidelines.

Use your Preferred Writers Facebook Group as Your Front Page.
When you are finished with your post. Link it to the group page so we can all see it. Your post will be seen both on our site homepage as well as our Facebook group. The Facebook Debug Tool is a great utility to tweak your Facebook links and ensure they post correctly.

Comment/Share Posts of Other Authors
Click on the link to the Post of other authors and leave a Comment. Feel free to call & remind them you graced their page giving them a page view and hope to see their comment on yours! "Hey Great Post! Connect Back!"

Be a Great Connection
Same as our other sites there are good connections and bad ones. Good connections always return your visit by commenting on your yours. Bad connections never return your visit and soon no one visits them affecting their earnings. Be a great connection and take a break from posting to show some love to as many fellow authors as you can. It's worth it in the long run.

Link to Your Other Sites/Blogs
In your posts be sure to always hyperlink to your own sites/blogs so your readers can point and click to visit you. You may have a lonely little blog that hasn't been visited by anyone in forever. Leave a comment on a fellow author's blog to show them you were there and ask then to visit yours.
Visit/comment on my blog at and I'll visit yours every time!

Share your Posts
Share your PWG posts on other social sharing sites to increase your page views.
Google+, twitter, tumbler, Pinterest, Linkedin, Facebook shares will greatly increase your organic page views per post.

Tag Your Posts
The Search Engines can more easily categorize your post by topic when you attach relevant tags to your post. To do this click the "Labels" button to the right of your Post Editor  page and separate your tags with commas

Create a Google Profile
When you comment on our post it's so much easier if we can click on your name tag to reach your most recently submitted work. we can effortlessly return the comment and earn you a page view.

Post ID Tag: 10197

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Tale of the Brave Martyr Bubbler

I was just about to log off and settle in for a good movie tonight when I noticed something interesting. But first a bit of back story is called for to color the drama at play.

I have seen review articles of other pay sites that were allowed by Bubblews so I posted a review article of our Preferred Writers Group giving my connections another earning opportunity. My review was innocent enough, considering we aren't in competition with anyone and our admins work for no pay except what we earn ourselves from page views on our own articles and posts like you.

Also, I have seen other high earning Bubblers posting links to their own blogs, (which is what we are) on their every post at Bubblews. And even defending their right to do so. They are allowed to carry on without so much as a raised eyebrow from the Bubble watchdogs. Now here is the cute portion of my tale.

My review of Preferred Writers Group was yanked from the Bubblews community, but not before generating a near firestorm of interest resulting in the numbers of members we have today. Bubblers began asking on my profile about our new little .blogspot and even a few resourceful bubblers among you found me on Facebook. This could be a great article if it ended here.

I was not sent any emails, any warnings or notifications of any sort of any rules I had violated. They didn't delete my account and I am able to continue to earn them an average of $7.00 per post in page views. I haven't been paid by Bubblews in 2 redeems now, so they are literally earning their 50% and mine as well. In good faith, I continue to post small offerings at Bubblews not for the money, but for the nearly 1400 connections I have made there. They are the most wonderful and engaging people I have met in a long while. I'd miss them, I guess. This would be a great article if it ended here.

A brave bubbler has re-posted my Preferred Writers Group review and entitled it, "Preferred Writter's View"! Laurie would have a literal fit at seeing my article published with the TITLE misspelled. She will have a fit knowing I've been counterfeited. But I don't think this is an act of plagiarism in the typical sense. The Bubbler is a connection of mine. Surely he would have to know the post would hit my notification log. Could this be a brave martyr bubbler picking up the fallen PWG banner to carry on the good message? Sadly, he has too few connections to get the word out as well as we could have. Still, plagiarism IS the best form of flattery.

But whether it is a brave bubbler martyr, or merely a dimwitted copy/paste bandit, he is treading dangerously. He is tempting the wrath of &Arvind for resurrecting a post he had marked for death; as well as our very own Ms. Laurie for copying the work of one of her writers. He will most likely never see the inside of PWG. Laurie takes her job seriously and plagiarism of any sort, even for a noble cause, is unacceptable.

The link to the post is:

Post ID Tag: 10197
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