Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I Want to be a Slave

That sounds crazy, and even offensive to some, but here me out. I'm not talking about whips and chains, building pyramids or picking cotton. No, I'm talking about the kind of slavery that sets you free.
You see, since I was a young boy, I had always been drawn to the romantic tales of freedom fighters, whether it be Robin Hood, Chief Joseph, Davey Crockett, William Wallace, and a whole bucket more. I wanted to fight for the oppressed and standing in the way of tyrants and giving my life for freedom if necessary.
This rebellious spirit grew in me, deep down to the point that I could not accept anyone telling me what to do. I was going to live life my way, and if you didn't like it sweetheart, we were going to have to part ways. I was going to be free from any and all restraints. A desperado in a way.
I found myself part of a movement that was standing down their oppressive government, and yet, I was being nagged by this voice in my head that was telling me something I didn't want to hear. "You can't win, Milo. Human nature throws itself against your movement, as noble as it may be. You are wasting what precious little life you have for a cause that can never come to fruition", it would say.
I kept pushing it aside, because the cause was all I had to look forward to. It was who I was. Eventually, I had to accept the truth, it was the only way to shut my annoying mind up!
It wasn't long after I cut myself free from activism that I realized how far I had taken that philosophy. I had pushed away loved ones and anyone, really, who thought to disagree with me. I had rebelled myself into loneliness. That was how bad I wanted to be free. I obviously didn't understand what real freedom is.
Real freedom is putting yourself into something that is obtainable; giving of yourself selflessly; making yourself a slave to others. I had to come to that place to realize that living for myself made me bitter and lonely all the time, and that there are people who tried to give of themselves to me, people who tried desperately to help me see, that I hurt.
Real freedom is having a spouse and children, and making yourself their servant, as they make themselves yours out of mutual love for one another. Real freedom is putting your heart mind and soul into something knowing that you are not doing it in vain. Real freedom produces happiness, and even during the rough times, peace of mind. As contradictory as it sounds, real freedom is making yourself a slave to another.
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High Quality and FREE Digital Images, by ME

Free High Quality Images

...never worry about copyrights again...

by drew de jesus

Many sites like bubblews have super restrictive policies when it comes to photo crediting.  Not to mention, most of the image storing sites display them on search engines without any information regarding the legalities!  

Sometimes people can think they're crediting a photo properly when in actuality that photo was stolen from somewhere else entirely.  If the true owner of the picture comes across an improperly sourced image, it can really lead to trouble!

That is why I want to provide high quality digital images for FREE, 100%, for anyone to use in ANY endeavor.  If they're making money with my pictures, then good for them!  That's what I say!

I have literally just begun to build a collection, any so far there is a grand total of ONE image up there!  But it's pretty!  It's a lovely pink rose that would go well with a personalized Valentine's Day message. 

See the image above and be sure to follow that blog for more images all the time!  If you have a request, let me know and I will be sure to fill it!

Drew De Jesus
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Get Off Your Knees You're A Writer For God's Sake!

I'm supposed to be working on my duties to multiple online projects here but a fellow writer, Drew De Jesus has gotten me stirred up. I'm not sure what we will become here but it won't be a place where you see writers groveling at the feet of others. That should never happen. It's an abomination. 

If I don't agree with your stance or I dislike your post and I'm compelled to do something about it, I would express my feelings in your comments knowing full well you are getting paid for my comment. LOL! I would not presume to ban-hammer any writer for expressing themselves or trying to earn through other sources other than my site. That is wrong. I can go for a walk, take a cold shower, brood over a shot glass of bourbon while thinking about your post. But I won't silence you. That is no one's right but your own. 

Post ID Tag: 10197

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