Showing posts with label remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remedies. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Natural Remedies For Diabetes

Diabetes is usually a hereditary disease and chances are that someone you know has diabetes- there are over five million Americans that have this disease and are being treated for it. Diabetes happens when your body does not produce or use insulin, the hormone that helps move consumed sugars out of the blood and into the cells.

An excess of glucose "sugar" in the blood and urine are due to the body’s inability to absorb glucose normally, because of a result of insufficient amount of insulin being produced by the pancreas. The inability to absorb and store the glucose causes it to accumulate in the blood in large amounts that can over flow into the urine.

Frequent urination is due to the abnormal amount of urine being produced to allow the excess glucose that the kidneys need to filter out of the blood. Chronic thirst, excessive hunger, or weight loss are just some symptoms. This occurs because the body is unable to use the glucose so the body then uses fat and proteins as a source of energy. If this condition goes untreated the large amount of sugar can lead to a coma or death.

There are two types of diabetes- Mellitus: Type 1 or juvenile diabetes which occurs during childhood. Type 2 adult- diabetes, can usually happen after 40 years of age. With type 1 diabetes, treatment is a careful diet and insulin injections. With Type 2 diabetes successful efforts can be made when controlled by diet, exercise, and natural remedies. Control is essential to avoid any other issues.

It is important to maintain your weight and get exercise. Limit your intake of rolls, pasta, bread, potatoes, and sweets. Decide to eat instead fresh vegetables, proteins, beans, and nuts. Exercise will help keep your metabolism working because excess sugars in the blood can cause damage to the blood vessels. It is important for diabetics to keep their circulation healthy; the reason is so that enough oxygen can be supplied to the organs. This will prevent problems such as kidney failure, blindness, or circulatory disease.

There are natural remedies that can help and control many diseases. Blueberries, Stevia, Cinnamon, turmeric are just a few. You can eat, drink, or take a capsule with some of these herbal remedies.

Blueberries- help protect the blood vessels from damage, they help keep sugar and cholesterol levels balanced. They help with circulation. They can be eaten, taken in capsule form, or you can drink unsweetened juice.

Turmeric-Has many benefits besides helping with type 2 diabetes. It is an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, and natural antiseptic. It aids with liver problems, arthritis, insulin resistance, and Alzheimer’s.

Cinnamon- Triples insulin’s effectiveness- It can be sprinkled on food, in coffee, and you can get it in capsule form.

Stevia- a good substitute as a sweetener, helps improve insulin responsiveness.

Fenugreek Seeds and Blackberry- by using the seeds and leaves as a tea it has a very beneficial effect on the pancreas. Just mix both in a teaspoon, boil water, let sit for 30 minutes then strain. You can use the Fenugreek seeds and apply to food or make a spread.

Asian Ginseng- helps lower blood sugar.

Yarrow, Dandelion, chicory, and Bilberry are just another few natural herbal products that can be used for diabetes.

As always, check with your doctor before using any herbal product.

Article from my Hubpages

ID Post mac217

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Monday, February 17, 2014

Headache-The Body's Warning Signal


headache is one of the body’s most powerful warning signals and it can often be a sign of something physical or psychological. There are several different types of headaches and they vary depending on where the pain occurs.
These are tension, cluster, simple and combination headaches with migraines being extremely intense, with nausea and vomiting usually accompanying the migraine.
The pain can be started by a number of things. A very common cause is tense muscles in the head or neck. Headaches can also be symptoms of withdrawal from OTC pain killers, caffeine, emotional stress, allergies and alcohol to name a few.

Tension headaches: Many people feel pressure due to the change in the weather. The barometric pressure in the atmosphere causes the blood vessels in the head to constrict and expand which causes tense muscles in the back of the head or neck. The swelling of blood vessels, inflammation of the nerve endings or muscular contractions at the base of the skull causes the head to pound or throb.
Cluster headaches: Are recurring and can be due to a number of factors such as high blood pressure, injuries, or alcohol. Triggers can be hairsprays, perfumes, cleansers and many other things.
Simple headaches: Give you that pulsing, hammering feeling in the head. Fever, lack of oxygen, blood pressure or stress can cause this headache.

Combination headaches: Give you a dull pain that can start in the morning and is known to reoccur between migraine attacks. The cause is still unknown.
Migraines are severe and are caused by the dilation of the blood vessels in the brain. Often the pain is on one side of the head with possible loss of vision, flashing lights, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Causes can be hereditary or possibly circulatory trouble.

Some foods have been known to trigger a migraine such as chocolate, nicotine, tea to name a few.
There are some natural remedies that can be just as effective as prescription drugs. Some are relaxation exercises, massage and homeopathic treatment. These can help prevent or relieve the pain caused by the different types of headaches.

Headaches can be relieved by applying a cold wet compress to the area and putting a few drops of peppermint oil on the compress and apply for 15 minutes. Using acupressure, squeeze the fleshy webbing part of your hand between your thumb and index finger until you begin to feel relief. Using relaxation, give yourself a footbath which moves the blood from your head to your feet. You can restrict your contact with outside activity and getting fresh air will help
Herbal remedies help prevent some of these headaches. It is believed that Kava Kava, a member of the pepper family has been used to help with headaches. However the FDA has not approved it and there are many side effects.
Feverfew, a plant from the Balkan Mountains in East Europe and now grown in North and South America has been used to prevent migraines along with Gingko Biloba. But as always check with your doctor before taking any of these supplements.

This time tested home remedy can provide a quick relief from a headache. Put a few drops of fresh lemon juice into a cup of black coffee and drink it in small sips.

Warning…This is not for people with sensitive stomachs.

article taken from my Hubpage

post ID MAC217


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