Friday, February 21, 2014

Facebook Gender Evolution

Usually in our Facebook account  we can only see gender options for male and female plus a custom for your preferred gender. A person that prefers to have their opposite gender will simply choose male or female, moreover user can just be silent about it and not to choose any gender on their account.

Now facebook has come out with their bravest idea to give a more detailed options for your gender. And the number is astonishing with not 2 or 3 but 58 detailed label of genders.

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Regarding PWG/Adsense TOU: Traffic Exchange

To Me

Today at 12:12 AM
Type your response ABOVE THIS LINE to reply

FEB 21, 2014  |  08:12AM UTC
Marty replied:
One of our members has added your website to the traffic exchange.
Everybody has a right to visit your website, that is how internet works.
That being said, I have blacklisted your website from the traffic exchange.
You should completely stop receiving visitors within an hour.

FEB 21, 2014  |  01:41AM UTC 
Original message
private wrote:

Please do not use your services on my site for any reason:


Today at 1:16 AM
I am well aware of how the Internet works, Marty. I used to be you. You are well aware of how Adsense works, and their no tolerance TOU policy on traffic exchange sites. You are more than welcome to visit our site off the clock. Thank you for your, prompt reply.
 Show message history
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Scourge of Scoundrels #2: Jefferson “Soapy” Smith, The Greatest Con Man in the West

The Robber Barons of the Gilded Age and the Monopolists of the early 20th Century were not the first ones to build an empire with vertical integration and synergies. No, the true business pioneer who invented these techniques was a bearded con man born Jefferson Randolph Smith II. Many knew him as Soapy Smith

Soapy Smith ran Denver, Colorado for almost eight years in the 1880’s. He was no lone wolf either. He had a handpicked crew of scoundrels working for him. His greatest innovation was learning to cultivate the right people in the community so instead of being wandering drifters and grifters, the Soapy Smith Gang set up shop permanently.

What He Did:

Soapy Smith arrived in Denver in 1879. By the time he left Denver for good he owned a good chunk of the business district including a saloon, a (fake) lottery shop, a “stock” exchange, a cigar store that was also a front for an illegal poker club, a counterfeit jewelry store, and a small office that sold stock in non-existent businesses.

Soapy Smith also controlled the police force, the mayor, and most of the city council of Denver. He ran the elections, always ensuring the “right” man won.

Soapy was not all about himself. He also built churches, donated to charity freely, and paid for the occasional prostitute’s funeral expenses. He was regularly called upon by at least one Denver clergymen to help organize food drives and for donations to financially strapped parishioners.

When the heat got too hot in Denver, Soapy Smith and his gang headed out to Creede, Colorado to take advantage of a nearby silver strike. There he used his connections with local prostitutes to convince influential civic leaders and businessmen to sign over most of Main Street to him while he turned around and leased the properties to his friends and allies.

He left Creede just before most of the business district burned down and spent a little while longer in Denver.

After almost triggering a civil war in Denver, he left and headed to Skagway, Alaska where he begin to build yet another criminal empire.

During the Spanish American War Soapy formed a volunteer army with the approval of the United States government and got himself the rank of Captain with a letter to President McKinley.

How He Did It:

Soapy started his career with an ingenious scam. He would stand outside the train station in Denver where travelers where coming into town, looking to get washed up and find a hotel. He sold them soap. He would take ordinary soap and sell it for 25 cents a piece. Of course the soap could be bought at a local store for 5 cents. Once he gathered a big crowd, Soapy would wrap the bars in tissue paper and make a big show of placing a $100 bill in a wrapped bar of soap. Then he would place a $50 bill and a $20 bill in other wrapped bars of soap. One of his gang would buy a bar and show how he had won.

The travelers quickly started buying the soap. Through careful slight of hand only the ringers ever won. Many travelers would buy multiple bars trying to recoup their losses.

If the crowd was really big, he would start auctioning off the remaining bars of soap, again ensuring he knew the winning bidder for the $100 bar of soap.

Soapy also operated games of “chance” like three card monte, at all of his businesses. So someone coming into the cigar store for a rigged poker game would often play three-card monte while he waited for a table, loosing more money. The same would be true at the stock exchange, where the only thing that was exchanged was money and hot air.

Soapy assembled an all-star gang of conmen and grifters including legends like Texas Jack Vermilion and “Big” Ed Burns.

Soapy got the support of the community by only targeting tourists and being a generous citizen. He also had most of the police on politicians on the take.

Back Story:

Soapy was born in Georgia to a wealthy plantation family that was financially ruined by the Civil War. They moved to Texas where he saw outlaw Sam Bass get gunned down in Ft. Worth. He left home as a teenager and moved right into the life of a conman.

How It Ended:

Soapy Smith eventually found a game he couldn’t fix. His associates were operating a game of three-card monte. A miner balked at paying his heavy losses at what he rightly assumed was a rigged game.
The associates during the argument liberated $2,700 worth of gold from the miner.

When Soapy refused to refund the gold, a local committee requested a meeting at the Juneau Wharf. At that meeting an argument broke out and Soapy was fatally shot, but he did manage to take out one of the committee member before going down.

Scourge of Scoundrels is a series about the women and men in history who never let a little thing like rules or the law keep them from getting what they wanted.

You may also like my series Intellectual Ninjas.

All images are in the public domain or are my creation. All rights reserved.

Jason McBride is the creator of the Intellectual Ninja and the Scourge of Scoundrels series. He is also the author of Watch Out For Sneaker Waves. He is currently hard at work on his first book of fiction, available Spring 2014.

He is the proud father of four amazing children and the happy husband of one wife. He aspires to be an extreme sleeper. 
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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Winter Olуmріс Hіѕtоrу - Pаrt I

In mу recollection of Wіntеr Olympic Hіѕtоrу, wе nоt оnlу watched thеm but tаlkеd аbоut them аll the time. The fіrѕt tіmе I rеmеmbеr watching thеm wаѕ in 1968. I rеmеmbеr Jеаn-Clаudе Killy flying dоwn the slopes tо wіn the gоld mеdаl. I еѕресіаllу rеmеmbеr Pеggу Fleming glіdіng across thе ісе in thе fіgurе ѕkаtіng competition. I thіnk mоѕt little girls wаntеd to bе her bесаuѕе she wаѕ ѕо grасеful аnd рrеttу!

I аlѕо rеmеmbеr thіngѕ lіkе "Thе thrill оf vісtоrу and thе аgоnу оf defeat". Thіѕ wаѕ uѕеd because of a ѕkі jumper thаt flеw of thе jumр аnd сrаѕhеd. Thе fаmоuѕ ABC wоrdѕ thаt wеrе uѕеd every wееkеnd on thе ѕроrtѕ wе watched fоr уеаrѕ оn thе Wide World of Sроrtѕ ѕаіd by Jіm McKay. I wаѕ ѕаddеnеd when I hеаrd hе раѕѕеd аwау in 2008. Hе wаѕ trulу Wіntеr Olуmріс Hіѕtоrу!

No true ѕроrtѕ fan wоuld dаrе mіѕѕ thе Wіntеr Olympic Gаmеѕ. The Winter Olympics аrе rіghtlу considered to bе the mоѕt ѕресtасulаr: ѕkіеrѕ hurtling dоwn ѕtеер ѕlореѕ, epic ісе hockey соnfrоntаtіоnѕ, thе mеtісulоuѕ аnd mаѕtеrful fіgurе ѕkаtеrѕ, аnd thе thrill оf the сhаѕе in thе bіаthlоn - thеѕе are all brеаthtаkіng ѕіghtѕ. Fоr the two wееkѕ оf thе Games, vіеwеrѕ from all over the world keep glued tо their TV screens. No words саn dеѕсrіbе the passion thаt ѕресtаtоrѕ hаvе in сhееrіng оn thеіr fаvоrіtе athletes.

Thе Wіntеr Olуmріс Gаmеѕ оf 2014 іn Sochi аrе going tо be unіԛuе: nо оthеr wіntеr Olуmрісѕ in thе world hаѕ еvеr been аblе tо bоаѕt ѕuсh a rісh ѕроrtіng program. Records are going tо be brоkеn іn Sochi Ruѕѕіа Winter Olympic Games. Thеrе are going tо bе 12 nеw fеаturеd ѕроrtіng рrоgrаmѕ аnd thеrе аrе more events thаn ever. There wіll bе 98 ѕроrtіng еvеntѕ and the ѕаmе number оf mеtаl sets tо be wоn. That іѕ 12 mоrе thаn at thе Vаnсоuvеr. I'm looking forward to іt immensely! Games іn 2010, аnd 14 mоrе thаn thе Tоrіnо Games іn 2006. A rесоrd numbеr оf women wіll bе раrtісіраtіng, whісh means the gаmеѕ аrе gеndеr bаlаnсеd аlmоѕt еԛuаllу.

Let's lооk back on hоw іt аll bеgаn...

At thе dаwn оf the Olуmріс mоvеmеnt, thе Program for thе Gаmеѕ соntаіnеd a mixture оf ѕроrtѕ dіѕсірlіnеѕ frоm Sсаndіnаvіаn, Anglо-Sаxоn аnd Alpine соuntrіеѕ. Thе Gаmеѕ dіdn't bесоmе ѕtruсturеd оr ѕtаndаrdіzеd untіl after thе Sесоnd Wоrld War. The Olympic Winter Gаmе were rеlаtіvеlу ѕtаblе from the 1960'ѕ to thе 1980'ѕ with nеw sports appearing оnlу rarely. The 1984 Gаmеѕ іn Sarajevo ѕаw rаdісаl сhаngеѕ: thе Program рrасtісаllу dоublеd in ѕіzе, nеw аlріnе skiing style рrоmоtеd, nеw dіѕtаnсеѕ added and nеw еvеntѕ brought іn. Shоrt trасk speed ѕkаtіng was аddеd tо the Olуmріс ѕроrt рrоgrаm іn thе 90'ѕ and 2000's. Also аddеd was ѕnоwbоаrdіng, сurlіng, ѕkеlеtоn, lаdіеѕ bіаthlоn аnd other dіѕсірlіnеѕ.

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Vlog #3 : What Are We Doing Here? | Solivagus of PWG

Hey All - It's Solivagus (Drew De Jesus) here, your friendly admin floater who just goes around doing stuff.  I noticed this question posed on facebook "What is this group for" or some such.  Don't quote me.  Even though there are quotes.

In any case I took it upon my (pretty) self to put my (beautiful) face on a video and explain to you guys the difference between this place and TOS (the other site).  I don't wanna point fingers (bubblews) but sometimes it's hard to avoid naming (bubblews) names when it comes down it.

There's a difference between what we're doing here.  And I hope that this video explains it well.

Thank you for watching and continuing to be the most impressive upstart blog I've seen in a long time.  It's not long until we all stop posting introductory posts and start getting the hang of it all - providing a steady stream of content to the masses, who YEARN for knowledge!

I have also seen some worry about whether or not involvement here will result in your being abolished from the pay system of bubblews.  IF that were the case...

Let's say it was true... that they are going to black mark us all... worst case scenario is realized...


Is that really the kind of organization you want to belong to?  Not I, said the fly to the spider.

Chew on it,
Drew De Jesus

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To Avoid Failure You Must Control This EMOTIONS.

People always get confuse why they don’t have the success in their life most of the time or why all of a sudden they fall from being on top. There is no secret why.

It usually the attitude of people. There are attitudes that you don’t need to let in your heart stay.

We all possess this attitude sometimes but there is what you call control in yourself for you not to fail a lot.

1.      INSECURITY – One of the most reasons why people fall from top. They tend to let their self to get insecure. This is normal actual, anybody can feel it but it’s up to you if you want to take it way too far with somebody.

2.      JEALOUSY- We can’t be jealous all the time when some people success in their life. Another normal feeling, but just think of if they can we can. Of course I did feel jealous at times but I learn to learn my own way.

3.      ENVY- When you envy someone, envy that person with the purpose or before you envy someone, make sure that person is doing the right thing. Not because of what that person is showing to you. You will fail to success if you envy the wrong person in your life.

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A Link Between Expensive Produce and High BMI?

Image Credit: Ryan Harvey

There is no denying that fruits and vegetables are becoming pricier nowadays. But could the high prices cause an impact on the body fat percentage of today's kids? 

According to recent research, there is a slight link between the cost of fresh produce and the body mass index (BMI) of kids. The cost of produce has increased dramatically. Between 1997 and 2003, prices have rose a total of seventeen percent. In addition, fruits and vegetables have become pricier in the last year due to the increase in gas prices. In order to pay for the transportation of produce, the cost had no choice but to rise. On the other hand, the cost of mass produced snacks has declined. As a result, consumers tend to opt for cheaper high calorie snacks than the costly produce to save money. Eating fast food is also another inexpensive option for these cash-strapped families. Fast food chains are not only dirt cheap but conveniently located. 

But in the end, is the cost of the later medical bills worth it? 

Image credit: Ryan Harvey at Flickr. No changes were made to the image and is used under the Creative Commons License. 
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How to NOT Get BANNED from PWG

You are allowed MANY freedoms on this site that you would not be afforded elsewhere. You are allowed to share your articles as much as you like on ANY social media site. You are even allowed to share links to your writing elsewhere with the entire PWG community! Not many sites allow that!

However, there are a couple of things that will NOT be allowed! These are not only things WE do not allow, they are things ADSENSE does not allow. Adsense, in case you are unaware, are the guys who pay us all here. Two things Adsense will not allow are the use of "click generating sites", and "view generating sites", or any other form of unnaturally generating clicks or views.

When you pay, or otherwise compensate a site, or an individual or group to click either articles on this site or ads on this site...THAT is FRAUD. It WILL result in your account being BANNED. It can also result in our SITE being banned, and none of us want that, now do we?

You may share your articles through any social media site you wish, but PLEASE use a little common sense in this regard, as well. Do not SPAM these sites with links either. That is simply bad form, and at worst, will result in the sites themselves not allowing links from our site. At best, people will begin to block YOU on these social networks, and you don't want that, do you?

You must use common sense in all these things. Please, follow these simple rules:

1. No use of click generating sites, or other forms of click fraud will be allowed.

2. No use of view generating sites, or other forms of view fraud will be allowed.

3. Do not spam links all over the internet...period. There is a difference between "sharing" and "spamming".

4. Affiliate links are NOT allowed. We cannot be responsible for where these might send someone. Links promoting your work are fine, but NO AFFILIATE LINKS.

Thank you for adhering to these simply common sense rules. Let's keep the "sense" in "Adsense", it is there for a reason. You owe it not only to yourself, but to the other writers in this community.

Anyone who does not understand Adsense rules can read further here:
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How Can You Get People to Read Your Article?

Writing article takes time and effort and once you have published your article you wild want people to read your article. Many authors write articles but fail to get many people to read their work. It is frustrating when readers pass your article and move on the other articles. Today we will discuss a few tips to help you get more traffic for your articles so read on.

1) Write a good title
An attention grabbing title is one of the first thing that can help you increase readership for your articles. You should spend some time working on your article title so that it works perfectly with your content and also attracts people to read your article.

2) Keep it short and simple
Today people don't like reading long articles so its a good idea to keep it short and simple. You should aim to keep your article within a few short paragraphs because without it you would find it difficult to build readership. You can use  short sentences and bullet points to help your visitors with faster and easier reading.

3) Use appropriate language
You should write an article keeping your audience in mind. You cannot write articles with same vocabulary for adults and kids. They should find your articles interesting and easy to read which will attract them to come back and read your work again and again.
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How much a writer will earn in PWG

I do not know how much a writer will earn here in PWG. I know there are some out there who are also like me with their uncertainties in mind. Like me, they just give it a shot and write.

I believe these individuals behind this blogs are all professionals and persons to trust. I have been to different website that published different contents and they pay me according to my written articles. However, there are also plenty of sites elsewhere that will promise you big bulks and will leave you nothing but unpaid works. Those that are earning yet a small time writers like me are behind their successful business are unpaid and “crying”.

Seriously, I hope that this is a start of a long time relationships between writers all over the globe.
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