Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What type of writer are you?

I have to ask, what type of writer are you?

We have a variety of writers here, some write all day long for a living and others write for enjoyment? Which one are you?

I enjoy writing for both reasons, however I would never try to tell a person that they cannot write about their daily events or what they cooked for dinner, that is not what freedom of expression is about. If a person does not like what your writing then they can go to the next post.

I do not think any REAL professional writers would be on any site making a penny per view, let's be real here folks.

On the same note you learn how to write more and more with each post that you make, follow your heart and let the pen flow you will be amazed at what will land on the paper.

I enjoy reading all of the articles on this website and the other websites I am on for writing, however the second I am told I must only write a serious post then I will leave the site, since I am not paid the worth of a professional article. a penny on any site or 3.00 for a post on any site does not make you a professional writer, you can tell yourself you are and I will respect that, however keeping it real your really not.

I have books published and I am not rich in any means. so the life of a writer is not fancy...

Please keep writing with your heart and enjoy what you post, the second you stop enjoying what you are doing there is no longer  any need to keep doing it.

Never let anyone try to kill your dreams, write and write and you will see what you blossom into.

Censorship has no place in writing forums, freedom of speech and expression needs to be respected. Not everyone is a writer, but that does not mean they cannot post what is on their mind.

1 comment:

  1. It is not censorship to have rules in place to encourage quality writing. Poor writing hurts us all. Poor writing absolutely does drive away readers. Poor writing lowers the entire site's ranking.

    If the site is rated poorly, it will be very difficult for prospective readers to find us by search. If a visitor lands on a poorly written article, they won't click on anything else.

    As for professional writers not using penny sites, some of us with a background in journalism earn a decent part-time income ($1,000 a month or more) writing for larger sites and then posting articles on penny sites with links that point to our articles. This is simply good "professional" networking.

    It is a privilege to get to post on the penny sites, especially the ones that allow linking. Just because I am writing for a penny site does not mean I will produce junk. As Laurie has stated, our writing is our brand--wherever we write.

    The place for ramblings and daily anecdotes is a personal blog, not a collective effort as writers to raise the profile of our writing.


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